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Yawning and rubbing my eyes as I sat up from my bed. I glance at the nightstand just to see it's already 6:30 Am. I stared at the window blankly letting my brain process what had happened last night. I'm so drunk and cried for I don't know why.

Thankfully I drink here in my place because If I go to the bar I wonder how I will go home with my state last night. I sigh as I realize I have been drinking alcohol for the straight one week.

It's been a week since that night and I can't seem to forget that scene. It kept flashing through my mind how her eyes look so hurt to those words I'm throwing at her. It's just right I think. It's just right to hurt her because it's her fault anyway.

The moment I leave her that night I found myself crying while driving on my way home. My hands are clenching on the wheels as if I want to punch something. My heart feels heavy that night and I don't know the reason behind it was.

My whole weeks have been so stressing out adds to that this Kim Jongin keeps throwing his supposed work to me. I want to choke him to death but we know I can't. Even I'm a bad person in their eyes I can't kill a person even he is the most stupid I've ever met.

I'm so stressed to the point I always snapping at everyone I bump to. Jisoo...I've been shouting at her even she's not doing wrong but what can I do? I really feel angry for no reason. I never come to my grandfather's house because the last time I came there he kept asking me what's wrong.

Why are they like this?! Why are they just showing care right now? Why so sudden?

I go inside the bathroom and turn on the shower. I let the water go through my whole body. I wash myself with my mind keep flowing to a certain person. Why I'm feeling this? Why my self keeps telling me I did terribly wrong.

Why it looks like I'm the one who's suffering here? My whole week is been a mess with her name keep bugging in mind. I just want to erase her from my life. I just want to forget her! She's nothing to my life but why my conscience kept telling me she has a spot in my life?

I turn off the shower and take a deep sigh.
"I shouldn't think those things. I'm not affected" I mumbled to myself as I go out of the bathroom and dried myself using the towel.

Going straight to my walking closet and pick my outfit for today. After wearing it and putting some light makeup on my face I go out to my room and go downstairs. I saw Mrs. Ahn already standing beside the dining table and smiling at me.

"Breakfast is ready Ms. Kim" she said but I shook my head.

"I don't want to eat Mrs. Ahn" I said with my cold face and didn't wait for her answer and just go outside. These last few days I don't seem like eating anything. I don't have the appetite to eat.

Kwangsoo opens the backseat for me. "Good Morning Ms. Kim" he greets but I didn't mind him. He goes to the driver's seat and started to drive towards the company.

After a short time, we arrive. Kwangsoo opens the door for me and I go outside. Walking straight to my elevator not minding those people who are smiling brightly at me and greeting me. Seriously? How can they be happy despite the cruel world?

I rode the elevator and after passing floors the door swung open and I was greeted by my secretary who is fixing my papers on my table. "Good Morning Ms. Kim. You need to sign these papers before the day ended" she said.

"Got it you may go out now" I said as I walk towards my table.

"Ahem...Ms. Kim do you need something else?" She asks that makes my blood boil.

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