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Hours already passed and I'm still here stuck with these dorks who keep asking me a question! I mean they always called me and I always tell them about my life when they called me yet here they are still asking me even they already know my life there.

This is really crazy! Jennie is the one who is not contacting me for the whole two years and both of us has no news from each other so I suppose she's should be the one who is bombarding me with those question not them! I miss them but I really want to talk to Jennie.

I miss her so much. Hell the moment I laid my eyes on her earlier I can't help but keep throwing glances at her when they're not asking for a second. We haven't spoken a word since we step here because as I said they kept talking to me while Jennie was here beside me chit-chatting with Nayeon.

The shocking revelation is when I found out they're all already okay. I was outside the country worrying if they still have hatred for Jennie and then I will just learn now that they've been hanging out since then?! How could they not have told me that.

Then I remember they never mention Jennie before and they explain it saying they didn't really want to talk about Jennie to me because they want both of us to focus on ourselves which is true we already did after two years but I'm so eager to know how's Jennie in the past two years.

"I think it's already time to go home. Others still have work and classes to attend tomorrow" V spoke as he glanced at his wristwatch. "11:26 it's already late" he said which makes me nodded.

"Well I guess we should go now" I said as I stand up and place the glass I was holding on the table. We take a bottle of whiskey earlier but it doesn't affect me even just a little.

They all agreed to go home and all of us make our way out of the VIP room and go directly to the exit of the Restaurant. They all walk towards their car and when Jennie was about to walk away from me I held her arm to stop her.

"Shouldn't we have some time alone?" I said and she looks at me with starstruck but smiles eventually.

"I was just debating if I should ask you for alone time but decided to not because I thought you already want to rest" she said and we walk together towards the parking lot.

"I will not let this night passed until we talk..." I said.
"They're too nosey and didn't give me time to even just spoke a word to you earlier" I scoff that make her giggle and it's fucking adorable!

"They just miss you so I understand" she said and was about to walk towards her car but I held her hands and dragged her towards my motorcycle.

"What are you doing?!" She said in surprise.

"Told you we will have alone time" I said as I climb in my motorcycle and start the engine while Jennie just looking at me with her mouth ajar.

"N-No! I have a car! Let's ride my car" She said but I grin.

"This is more fun Jennie" I said and tap my back telling her to climb.

She rapidly shook her head "Oh hell! I won't ride that! I still want to have my own family" she said which makes me laugh "Yah! It's not funny!" She said.

"Just climb in! I promise you this will be fun" I said as I roar the Motorcycle that makes her gulp.

"Riding that is like surrendering my life to you" she said and groan.

"Come on. I'll never let something bad happen to know me" I said that make her look at me and take a deep breath before nodding.

I offer my right hand to her to help her climb at my back and once she is already comfortable with her seat behind me I took her hand and make it hug my stomach and I felt her gasped. Oh, God! Why is she acting like a college lovesick! She already touches every corner of my body.

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