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A month already passed and the relationship between Jennie and I is still the same although day by day I find myself smiling and looking at her while she's working. I find myself too praising her in my head.

Jennie is been good to me since that day but I can't deny that her being savage and rude is still with her but I will not complain anymore because what's important Is she trust me and let me in in her life.

These past few days I'm always with her or should I say every afternoon after my shift? Yeah, I always come here and visit her because I just want it and I just felt like I want to see her every day.

It's like I'm really not used to not seeing her every day because I got used to seeing her every day. Anyways some things change including she's letting me eat meals with her sometimes and she's sleeping with me too when she's so tired and too lazy to go home.

I think she removes the rule about sleeping? Well, bid on what I'm seeing some of the rules are really getting out of hand but I won't complain anymore because I know I want it even I'm the one who said about those rules things.

I didn't dare to tell her about it too because If I do she might change again or think about rules too so I just shrugged it off and act like it was just fine...well it's really fine. More than fine.

Now I'm currently here in the café and in 2 hours Momo and I's shift will be over and the night shift will arrive later. We just have a few customers inside and they all have their own world and what I like about this cafe is it's really peaceful.

I mean I know most of the café is really peaceful place but here is really the best to go when you have so many things in your head because the view here is really relaxing too and the plants inside are giving vibe too.

Add to that the musical instruments music that playing that will really relax your mind.

"Hey! What are you thinking?" My moment is got cut off by Momo

"Nothing" I said and smile at her.

"Yeah? As If I believe you" she said and chuckled.

"I was just thinking my life or whatsoever that really satisfied me now" I said and shrugged. "How about you? how's life with your boyfriend" I said and wiggle my brows

"He's not my boyfriend" she said as her cheeks blush.

"Not yet" I said in a teasing tone and laugh but she sighs. "What's wrong?" I ask because I notice her sudden mood.

"I just got a little problem" she said and I raise my brow. "I'm kinda hesitating about Heechul" she said. Well, Heechul is her suitor.

"What? Why?" I ask in confusion.

"I don't know...I'm just scared I guess? You know nowadays guys intend to break our heart" she said.

"Not all people mean to do that. Some have a valid reason why they choose to hurt people" I said and she looks at me. "And I don't think Heechul is kind of the guy you're talking about. Just by seeing how much his eyes speak about his love and how much he cares for you" I said and I saw her smile.

"Do you think he's worth it?" She suddenly asks which makes my eyes widen.

"Are you seriously asking me that? Don't you trust him that much?" I ask in disbelief and she groans.

"I'm sorry...I didn't mean to think like that about him I think I'm just really scared about being left again" She said in a sad tone.

"What?" I ask.

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