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"You ready?" Jennie ask me as she entered our room. I nodded and smiled at her before putting my phone in my pocket and making my way to her and kissing her temple. 

"More than ready," I said and snake my arms on her waist and we make our way out of the room and go downstairs.

It's been a year since the awful events happened and it's been years since Jennie and I moved on and focused on our self, career, and family. 7 years ago we lost our Riley and since that event so many things happened that really caused us a much caused that brought in our lives. 

7 years ago Jennie suffered from PTSD and 7 years ago...I was shot. It's really not a traumatic event for me because I want it...I risk my life because I want the exchange of it...The exchange that everything will be okay if I will disappear. But God just love me and didn't grand my wish to be gone. he gave me another life to live and to enjoy. 

I laugh sarcastically and wipe my tears away. "I...COME ON LOVE! DON'T BE AFRAID! IT WAS ME! IT WAS ME WH-"




Jennie pulled the trigger three times as her tears came out of her eyes. I fell on my back flatly as if in slow motion I held my chest as blood came out from my mouth. I gasp loudly for those 3 seconds before I vomit more blood...a tear escapes from my eyes before a smiling drop on my lips.


The door bang opened and Jisoo and Chaeng froze once they see me laying but hurriedly ran towards me as I saw in my peripheral view Jennie drop the gun and cover her mouth as her eyes went wide.

My breath turns heavy as my left arm that was shot 2 times continues to bleed and my chest aches like hell. I lift my hand and look at Jennie as I choke on my own blood. 

Jennie didn't waste another second as she ran towards me with a horrified expression and sway Chaeng and Jisoo away and brought me to her chest as she cried so hard and say the same sentence.

"I-I'm s...sorry Love! I'm s-sorry!" She said as another sob came out from her mouth. I lift my right hand and caress her cheeks as tears drop from my eyes. 

"I-It's...o-okay" I mumbled and smile at her even I'm already feeling the hell. 

But before she could respond Jisoo push her aside and she scoop me with her hands while her tears are throbbing to come out. she lifts me and she hurriedly goes out of the room and goes downstairs.

I can hear Chaeng's voice from behind. "Stay still Unnie...P-Please don't sleep!"Chaeng's voice cracks as she chokes on her tears. 

My eyelids became heavier than before and I started to blink a couple of times but before I knew it...My surroundings turn completely black. "NO! L-LISA!" Jennie's terrible voice is the last thing I heard before I lost my consciousness. 

It took a year before Jennie told me what happened after I lost consciousness. I already know what happened after that because chaeng told me herself but I want to know it through Jennie.

Because they said if you can already share what happened before without you getting emotional it means you're already moved on and that's what I want to know. 

And she did. After a year she tell me the whole scene but she got a little teary which is I understand why and I was proud of her because she finally opens it up to me and not just to her psychiatrist.

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