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That scumbag! before I got a message from Lisa. Kim Jongin successfully sneaks inside of my company and goes here in my office to disturb the shit out of me! I really want to slit his face if I just can I already did it a long time ago! Once he steps his foot into my office I called the security and order them to throw Jongin out of my company.

That's when I received a message from Lisa that she's already in the parking lot waiting for me but of course I will not go until I give some scolding those security guard that in charge. I already ordered the head to tell all of the security around of my company to let Jongin step a foot in my company but they got trick by this scumbag!

After some scolding to them I head out of the building and go to the parking lot just to see this douchebag pinning Lisa and saying something but I couldn't hear it because I was far from them but I could tell both of them are really trembling in madness.

I was ranging in madness. I didn't go and stop them because I was shocked when Lisa burst out and just beat the shit out of Jongin and shout back for I don't know what is it. I was ranging mad inside me just seeing Jongin touching and probably abusing, insulting Lisa again.

This stupid just couldn't stop the fuck up?! What does he even want from Lisa?! I clench my jaw and hurriedly go back inside the building because I saw Lisa coming. I pretend like I was just going out of the building and meet her halfway. Once she saw me her eyes soften and smile at me. Seriously? How can she turn soft that fast? Well me too.

"Hey! I was waiting for you but I got bored and decided to go check you inside" Lisa said as she walks closer to me and leans before pecking my lips. I smile back but my smile drop once I saw her jaw reddening and sore.

I felt another wave of rage eat me. "What happens to your jaw?" I ask. Acting like I didn't know even it's crystal clear that Jongin did this to her. I gently touch it.

"That's nothing" she said as she held my hand from touching it. Obviously wincing.

"Are you sure?"  I ask and she nodded.

"Let's go now?" She asks as she places her hand on my shoulder and I nodded.

You'll pay for it Kim Jongin. You'll really regret touching my girl.

I hook my phone and send a message to Jisoo.


Chu contacts my lawyer and calls for a meeting with Mr. Kim and Jongin tomorrow morning. I want it on time at 8:30 Am


Morning came and I dress up before going downstairs. I called Kwangsoo to drive for me because I don't feel like driving. I might get into an accident for gripping tightly in the steering wheel because until now I'm still ranging mad to Kim Jongin. He will regret it. Crystal clear.

My face is stoic as If I was back to the old arrogant self but I need to keep this up so I could let that Kim knows how serious I am about this matter. Kwangsoo opens the door for me and greets me before he goes to the driver's seat and started to drive towards the company.

It took 15 minutes before the car slows down in front of the company. Kwangsoo opens the door for me and I go out with my chin up and blank expression. I will really ruin you Kim Jongin! Not that much but still the definition of ruin.

"Good Morning Ms. Kim" some of them greet me but I just passed to them. Sorry girls but I need to turn on my stoic mood.

I go straight to my private elevator. After passing many floors the elevator chimes and I go out just to be greeted by my Secretary and Lawyer. "Good Morning Ms. Kim" Mr. Choi greeted me. He's my lawyer by the way.

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