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Once I got a message from Jisoo I sigh in relief. I've been here inside of my office since this morning but I told Jisoo to not let anyone go inside of my office especially Manoban. I told her that tell them that I was out and luckily she obeyed me.

I know Manoban is outside of my office earlier because Nayeon came here before Manoban and she said she saw Manoban in the parking lot so yeah I know she's been in my company since earlier.

I don't know but I have this feeling that I shouldn't face her after what happened last night. Did I overreact? Well maybe yes but I just can't let her near with me again after that! I'm scared her 'like' word might change and I don't really want that to happen.

I'm thinking of ending things with her but there's this side of me that I don't want because we all know how much I enjoy her accompany but never admit it to her. Maybe I cant let go of her because she's good at fucking?

That's damn unreasonable Jennie Kim

My inner self said. Argh! I don't any more! This is one of the reasons too! She's making me confused about these things! I hate her even more! I shouldn't offer things to her. I shouldn't let her in my life! I shouldn't have sex with her in Daegu! I regret it!

Sure you do

"Your face is sour" Nayeon said. Yes she's still here.

"So what?" I mock.

"I know you have a little dilemma there. Want to share so I could help you?" She said and I raise my eyebrow.

"Nothing. You know I hate asking for help" I said and stand up and walk towards my glass window and stand up there. Watching the night.

"I'm your best friend. I know you" she said still seating there.

"I don't need anyone to help me. I'm grown up and I can deal with whatever is it" I said but this stubborn just don't want to give up.

"You know Jen? Sometimes I'm hurt by what you're doing. I'm your friend and I want to help you with whatever is bugging your mind but you being stubborn and don't want to tell me?... I feel like an outsider. Asking for help doesn't mean you're going to be less tough" She said in sadness.

I sigh because I am well aware of what she feels but me being stupid just ignoring what they feel. Am I selfish? Well it does look like but I'm not. I'm just doing things that I know I can. I'm protecting myself because no one is with me to do that.

I let out a sigh for the ninth time and decided to share this with her since she knows what's up with Manoban and me. I didn't tell her this for help. I will tell her about this because I still consider her as my best friend and if she wants to know about us...then fine. I'll let her know.

"Manoban is drunk last night" I said and look at her and she just nodded. Telling me to continue. "I brought her to her apartment and...." I stop.


"She whispers a word that I definitely hate to hear" I said and she frowns.

"I just know one of the words you hate? Is that it?" She asks and I shook my head.

"No, but I'm sure it will go there if I continue hanging out with her. If I continue the deal between us" I said.

"Enlighten me" she said.

"She said she likes me..."  Her eyes widened once I said it. "she was asleep and she mumbled it. I don't know if she remembers it but hell I just know a drunken person speaks a sober heart" I said and she shook her head. Not believing what I said.

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