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The two stay at the pier for another hour. They just kept talking about things that they want to know each other as if they're back to zero where the two-person is getting to know each other when in fact they already know each other but not that much.

They both decided to take this chance as they promise. They promise that when they already give their selves time for self they will try it again which is now that Lisa is already back from Switzerland after two years. both parties can't stop smiling because they are both happy at what they're now.

Jennie is thankful for those years that Lisa gave to her to focus on herself and she can't be more thankful when Lisa come back and now that the girl she's been waiting for is in front of her right now...she will not lose this chance and make Lisa feel loved, care and happiness that Lisa deserves.

It's already 1 Am and Lisa decided to go home already because she can see how tired Jennie's eyes are and take note Jennie still has work tomorrow. Jennie doesn't want to go home because she still wants to be with Lisa. It's like she just wants Lisa beside her every day but she knows she can't.

She thinks it's not what she thinks it is. This thing between them will not be easy like what people think. She can't just tell Lisa that she doesn't want Lisa to go anywhere and just stay beside her. It's like she's asking Lisa to move in with her which is what she wants but she refuses to voice it out because she knows it's too soon for that.

Lisa and Jennie walk hand in hand towards the parking lot. People on the pier starting to go home but some are kept coming because the night is just perfect to stay here but sadly Lisa thinks Jennie really needs to rest because she can see Jennie is been tired from her work.

"I'll drop you home" Lisa said as she climbs on her motorcycle.

"Just drop me at the Restaurant. My car is still there" Jennie said but Lisa instantly disagrees.

"Don't worry when you woke up tomorrow your car will be there" Lisa said and Jennie just chuckled and shook her head in disbelief.

Jennie climbs behind Lisa and hugs Lisa's waist for her safety. That's what Lisa said but she can't help but blush because she can really felt Lisa's tone abs behind the thin shirt and her leader jacket. She thought maybe Lisa's boredom in Switzerland is the gym.

Lisa starts the engine and starts to drive towards Jennie's house. She remembered the way because she has a great memory and Jennie told her too that she's already living there for good because her grandfather said he can live by himself and beside Kwangsoo is there as his assistant.

But even though Jennie is living in her house the apartment that Lisa used to live in is still in her hands. Many want to be in that spot in the building and even offer a huge amount to buy her apartment there but Jennie never sells it because she knows one of these days Lisa and her will visit there if ever.

It took 25 Minutes ride before they finally arrive at this Luxury Villa where Jennie's house is. Lisa still can't believe that Jennie already has those properties. Well Jennie is hella rich what does she expect? she's just amazed at how Jennie manages all her wealth. because her? She doesn't know how to use her fortune.

Lisa stop her motorcycle in front of the gate and help Jennie to climb down and she did the same because she wants to walk Jennie to the door. Jennie felt happy that both of them don't want to leave each other's side but no one of them dares to voice it out.

There's this side of them that they don't want to say goodbye terrified that they will never meet again. Lisa misses Jennie so much. When she said she misses everything it's included Jennie's touch and Jennie's kisses, hugs, and whatever you called it.

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