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10:24 Pm and I'm still wide awake and here drinking by myself here at the bar counter in the kitchen. This is not really my first time sleeping late because when I was in Daegu I always sleep at midnight so there's nothing to worry about.

But drinking here in my place is really not my thing. I never drink in the house because If I want alcohol in my body I would just call Moonbyul and ask her if she can accompany me to a bar.

But since Moonbyul is a very busy person these days I didn't bother to call her and go to the bar too. I have already disturbed Moonbyul a lot of times and I don't have the heart to disturb her again.

I know she's busy because she's working on her papers for her new job but she just lied to me earlier so yeah I'm here all alone inside this big apartment that actually very quiet.

I just started just 20 minutes ago because I just came home earlier. After Kim kick me out of the company I go straight to my sister's apartment since I haven't seen them for a week now and thankfully they didn't ask me about my bruise that still healing.

My face brightens once I saw them because even it's just been a week since I last saw them it feels like years. I mean I always miss them even we're just a few blocks apart.

When I go there ryujin is still not there but chaeng is already there. They give me the duplicate of their key so I could go inside if they were not still home so earlier I didn't bother to knock and just open it.

I walk inside and was surprised to see the Chaeng is already there and having a hard time at the dining table because I saw a bunch of paper but didn't dare to touch it.

But chaeng is more shocked to see me and she suddenly stands up and started to clean her papers and ran towards her room. I just notice that chaeng is always like that when I'm coming. She is really acting weird but I didn't bother to ask her.

So anyway I had dinner with them and stay there for a hours and go home just to go straight here to the bar counter and get some bottle of whiskey. I haven't even changed my clothes.

I'm still in my baggy jeans and shirt. Ms. CEO bought these expensive clothes for me. I actually don't want to accept it but she just leaves me no choice again.

I remember our argument earlier and her sudden changes. I'm still confused if she did change or not? As I said I'm not used to being ignored by her because since we met I'm always having a conversation with her but now she seems to be not liking my presence in her office.

"She's unbelievable" I mumble and drink my glass of whiskey.

I was about to pour it again when I heard my doorbell ring. "Moonbyul must be here" I said to myself. Moonbyul has already been here and sometimes she's coming so suddenly.

I don't think it's Kim either because she seems doesn't to want to see me and go here. I climb down to the stool and walk towards the door but the doorbell is continuously ringing.

"I'm coming!" I shout. I'm not drunk but I already felt the little effect of alcohol. I hold the doorknob and open it widely with my face still frowning.

The frown on my face vanished once I saw the person in front of me. "Miss Kim..." I said and look at her up and down.

She's just looking at me with her face reddening and I don't think it's because she's mad because I can smell her from here and I think she's extremely drunk just by looking at her.

"What are you doing here? This late-night?" I ask but Instead of answering me she pushes me inside and she closes the door.

"Kim?..." I said but I gulp once she glared at me.

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