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I step out of the bathroom and dried myself with a towel. I wear the bathrobe and go to my walking closet and pick my outfit for tonight. After battling for a moment I finally wear it and go to my vanity mirror and put light makeup.

Just like the old times...just light because it's bad if I overdo it. I sprayed my channel perfume on my neck and wrist before on my clothes before putting the perfume down on the table and make my way to my bag and car keys and pick them.

I look at the huge mirror In front of me for the one last time before smiling and praising myself.
"So beautiful Jennie Kim" I said and chuckled at my silliness. Well I should praise myself for much confidence.

It's been 2 years and I've been good I guess? Well I think I am because I really do what nayeon said. I did what I think I should do and I successfully do it. Someone told me that we should focus on ourselves and I did! I focus on myself first.

I forgive myself for what I did because that's the most important. Before anyone forgives you you should forgive yourself first because at the end of the're the one who matters the most in the world.

Anyway. After fixing my dreary self I step forward confronting my father but sadly I confront him in the other way. Well I really don't want to talk about it but yeah. What is important is I forgive him and forget things in the past and today? I'm moved on.

Thanks to the wonderful girl who make me realize about things that I suppose to realize since then. I've been great lately. I've been happy with who I am right now and what I have become but of course my happiness is just momentary.

Because every time I'm remembering her I find myself crying again. When I'm all alone in my room I just stay wide awake thinking what Is she doing this time or how is she there? did she even think of me even just once when she landed there?

Or is she still in love with me? Those thoughts are playing in my head and I can't help but miss her and tear up because who wouldn't? The girl of your dreams is not here with you! You can't touch her or kiss her. I...I just miss her so much.

I was back to my senses when someone spoke
"Ms. Kim" I groan.

"Mrs. Ahn it's been two years since I told you to just call me Jennie right?" I said as I make my way to the kitchens and open the fridge.

"And I told you too that just call me Ahn" she said and I chuckled and she just shook her head in disbelief.

"Yeah right. We should practice more" I said and she just laughs.

"Your mother called me earlier before you go downstairs" she said which makes me look at her and raise my eyebrow.

"What did she said?" I ask as I place the glass that I use on the sink.

"She told me to remind you about your grandfather's birthday next week" she said.

"Oh God! It's just Sunday today and his birthday is still next Sunday" I said.

"She said she just wants to remind you sooner because you tend to forget things" she said that makes me groan.

"I just forgot his birthday One time and it doesn't mean I'll forget about it this time" I said and shrugged before picking my bag on the couch.
"I'll go now...I'm sure they're already waiting for my presence" I said and she just laughs and I make my way outside of my house.

I go straight to my car and climb in before starting to drive away. Wondering where am I going? Well I have to attend dinner with some of my friends yeah friends because I unexpectedly make friends not just one but wholesome lol.

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