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Damn that Manoban! It's been three days since the incident but that Idiot is still not showing up in front of me! Is she insane? I mean she could just come here to apologize or even not!

I don't mind what happened that day either. I want to forget what she did and by forgetting that I don't need her to hide from me or apologize to me. I want her to forget how she saw me crying and so weak.

I don't want others to see me like that! I've never burst out my tears since my freshman and that was a long time ago so I hate that she saw me crying like a crying baby in fear.

I'm a strong woman and I have never fear to anyone but the moment she goes in that time with her same expression of the certain person I got shocked and fear suddenly eat my whole soul and I hate myself for acting like that!

That was already a long time ago so why the heck I'm still acting like this! I already take 2 years of therapy for fuck sake! Argh! I'm so mad right now to the point I snap to Jisoo this morning and I think I scare her.

I'm still furious with that Manoban! I've been waiting for her since the next morning to come in here but no Manoban is coming! I even go to her work yesterday! but she is not there! Did that Manoban run away from me?!

I let go of the papers I was holding and angrily took my phone but Manoban still not sending a message or calling me! She usually annoyed me even in text and calls just to see me glaring at her! I know she enjoys making fun of me!

If I could kill for sure Manoban will be the first one to say goodbye! I decided to make a call to Nayeon and maybe ask her to come here would be great for me to forget being frustrated with Manoban.

But before I could dial her number my door banged open and It reveals the girl I was about to call.  "Hey girl!" Nayeon excitedly said and ran towards me.

"What's up with you?" I ask.

"I saw my one great love!" She happily said as she sat across from me.

I roll my eyes. "Love doesn't exist" I said and put down my phone.

"It did exist you're just the one who never believed in it!" She said.

"Love doesn't exist nayeon and you need to accept it. There is no forever in this world" I said.

"How can you say so?"

"Are you seriously asking me that?" I said and raise my eyebrow.

"Of course my friend" she said.

"Look even my mother and father who vow in front of the altar that they will love each other for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death do us part, according to God's holy ordinance;. Now, where did they end up? My father ended up leaving us to be with his Mistress" I said and roll my eyes.

"Jennie not every love story needs to be compared to your mother and father's love story. We have our different love stories that we can cherish until we died" she said.

"Did you forget about your scumbag Boyfriend Nayeon? He did the same" I sarcastically said.

"You don't need to bring that up Jen" Nayeon seriously said.

"Because you don't believe me! There's nothing called love!" I snap. They're getting on my nerves!

"It's just for you Jen! because that's what you believe! You need to go out to the cage that has been keeping you since that day! Your father and mother's love story or either my love story with my ex-boyfriend is has nothing to do with your love story! It's just your beliefs!" Nayeon angrily yells at me before dashing out of my office.

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