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I enter our house and the first thing I notice is something is odd. I can smell the aroma of delicious food and I can hear some movements from the kitchen. I frowned as I move my feet and walk towards our kitchen and once I appear there I saw Tzuyu wearing an apron and moving all around the kitchen.

"What are you doing here?" I ask her as I get a bottle of water in the fridge and look at her for an answer.

She took off her apron and wash her hands before she face me. "I don't have work today and Lincoln and I are just in our house the whole day and got bored so we decided maybe we can visit both of you but I didn't know Jennie is the only one who's here," She said as disappointment can be seen at her expression and the way she spoke.

I just sigh and put the bottled water in the trash "I don't want to go to work too but I have to, our restaurant suddenly face a problem because of shorthanded that's why I needed to be there" I reason out but she doesn't seem to be satisfied at my answer.

"So Jennie has been alone for the past few days? Who's taking care of here when you're out? What is she eating for lunch and di-"

"I'm leaving food for her for lunch and she's reheating it and for dinner, I'm going home before dinner"

"Then why you're late today? If I'm not here Jennie will eat late dinner. I cooked for her and Lincoln and she ate in her bedroom earlier" she said and I look at her with disbelief but didn't let her notice it.

What is she referring to? It's like she's scolding me for not taking care of Jennie. She just witness today that I got home late and she already thought I'm always going home late?! Oh, God! I can't stand their mindset!

"I just come home late only this day" I said.

"Lisa if you can't look for Jennie while your working you should just send Jennie to Mom so someone could take care of her be-"

"I can do it! I'm her wife and I can do it myself! Yes, I missed her dinner today but it doesn't mean I always do it! What you see is not what you think it is" I said to her before I turn my back and go upstairs.

I can't believe them!

"Damn it!" I curse as I was about to go to the guest room when I passed to our room and heard Lincoln's voice.

"Auntie don't cry please?" Lincoln's voice can be heard out of the room because our room's doors are slightly opened and add to that Lincoln's loud cute voice.

I stop on my track and walk forwards to take a peek at what happens inside of our room but what I see made my heart tightened even more. Jennie is crying again...this is the first time I caught her crying again ever since the last time. I know there's no day that she's not crying.

I know It...I can feel it.

I stand up on the same spot while looking at them from afar. Lincoln is sitting beside Jennie on the bed as they're facing the window. "Baby sister wouldn't like seeing her mother crying!" Lincoln said as he stand up on the bed and sat on Jennie's lap before he wipe Jennie's tears using his little hands.

How I wish I could do the same.

"I can be your son! Just please don't cry anymore! From now on I will call you my Mommy Jen-Jen" he said which is make Jennie cried even more and hug Lincoln as her tears keep streaming down.

The scene was just heartbreaking to see. Seeing Jennie breaking down in front of a little kid who doesn't know about everything at all, to the kid who claims he wants to call Jennie her mommy too which is what Jennie wants to hear from our child.

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