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I'm here inside my room with Ryujin, and she's already sleeping. She's fast asleep, but because Unnie is here, we need to sleep early; otherwise, we'll be dead.

I make myself comfortable and am about to close my eyes when I hear a knock. I stand up because I know it's Unnie, but I don't know why she's still up and knocking right now. I open the door and see her standing and smiling.

My Unnie is jolly and happy, and I admire her for that. "Yes, Unnie?" I ask.

"I'm sorry to disturb you, but can I borrow your laptop? Just for tonight?" She asks, scratching her nape.

"Oh, sure, Unnie!" I say, going back inside my room and grabbing my laptop before returning to her. "Here. The password is my name," I say, handing it to her.

"Thank you! I promise to give this back tomorrow morning," she says, and I nod before closing the door.

I walk back to my bed, lay beside Ryujin, and drift into a deep slumber.


It's been three days since Unnie arrived here, and I'm really curious why she's staying this long with us. I'm not complaining, but whenever she comes here, she usually stays for just one or two days.

I ask her if it's still her day off, but whenever I inquire about her work in Daegu, I notice her tremble or ramble while she speaks. My curiosity about why she's always borrowing my laptop every night and going out every morning finds an answer.

All the questions swirling in my head get answers. This morning, she gave back my laptop, looking bloodshot. To be honest, it's like she hasn't slept for days.

So, as I'm saying, she gives back my laptop, and I open it because I forgot to send my research that I worked on this week to my professor. Once I open it, I'm welcomed by an open tab.

At first, I'm curious about what it is, but once I read the article, it says 'Job findings' site. She searches about culinary, and at that moment, I realize it all. I realize why she's been here for almost three days and why she trembles every time I ask her about it.

About my tuition. I realize, too, that she didn't forget it because I know she's still finding ways to get that huge amount, and I want to blame myself for that. Did I make her so tired?

Yes, I want to be a lawyer, but if my success will affect the health of my sister, I would rather stop studying than see her suffer alone. But I know I can't. I can't stop because she won't ever let me.

So, I decide to get a job secretly. Yes, I want to be a working student to help my Unnie, and I'm going to ask for help from my friend because she's a working student and gains a lot of money in her work. So, I want to know where she is working.

But before I ask for help, I will call Moonbyul Unnie to ask her about my sister's lifestyle there when she was still there. It's lunchtime, and I choose to go to the University garden instead of going with my friends to the cafeteria.

I pick my phone from my pocket and instantly dial Moonbyul's number. It takes three rings, and she immediately answers it.

"Hello Chaeng?"


"Why? Did something happen?" She worriedly asks.

"I want you to tell me the truth, Unnie," I said, and I hear her gulp.

"It's been 3 days, and Unnie is still here with us. I'm not complaining, but it's really odd. And when I ask her about her work and my tuition, she's acting strange. This morning, I found out the reason why she's been borrowing my laptop. She left the tab open, and I found out that she is looking for a job. So, what really happened there before she comes here? Please tell me the truth because I'm worried about her," I said and sigh.

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