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Once she removes her top, my eyes are automatically glued to her fucking abdomen! Yes, I'm drunk, but I can clearly see her biceps! What the hell?! She looks skinny earlier, but hell, she's hiding this good body figure!

She looks at me and smirks before kissing my lips again. My hands roamed on her back while we were in the middle of a hot session of kissing. I don't know why I'm like this, but to be honest, I never let them kiss me on my lips.

In my last sexual encounters, I never let them kiss my lips because a kiss means affection, so I don't really know why the hell I initiated the kiss! Argh! Whatever, I'm just drunk, and I'm Ruby Jane tonight.

Her kisses go down to my neck again and suck it so hard. She's so rough, but I like it. I like how rough she's kissing me because if we fuck in a romantic way, that's lovemaking, so she better be rough, and I'll be wild.

I felt her trying to unclasp my bra, so I arch my back so she can be able to unclasp it. Once she has already removed my bra, she throws it on the floor and instantly puts my left nipple in her mouth while her other hand is massaging my big boobs.

I can't help but moan. "Ahh hmmm," I moan, and that's really the first time I moan because, as I said, my past sexual experiences never gave me satisfaction, but this?.... it felt so good.

"Hhhmm, fuck me already," I demand as my hand goes to the belt of her jeans and unbuckles it.

I was about to pull it down, but she held my hand and seriously looks at me. "Are you sure?" She asks, and I nodded because I'm already wet, and I want her to finger me already! "Your wish is my command then," she said and smirked before pulling her jeans down.

I watch her carefully and was really shocked once a dick sprang freely off her tight jeans and boxer. My mouth left hanging ajar while my eyes are widened. She has a dick! A fucking dick, and it's the bigger dick I've ever seen!

"You still on?" She asks and smirks.

I shake my head back to my senses and smirk at her too. If she thinks I would back out just because she has this... well, I'm Jennie Kim, and I never back out of anything.

"Who wouldn't?" I said and smirk back at her before cupping her dick with my tiny hands, and she instantly moans once my hands touch her buddy.

"Ughh! Shit!" She moans. I bit my lips as I start to move my hand up and down, giving her the same pleasure she gave me earlier. "Fuck! Fuck! Ahhh!" She moans again.

I continued jerking her as her pre-cum comes. "You feisty woman," she growls as she held my shoulder and roughly pushed me again to the bed and positioned herself between my legs.

She strips my panty that causes it to tear up and reveals my beautiful pinkish pussy and already dripping wet. This is the first time I got so really wet too, so I don't know what's up with this woman.

She didn't ask me, and she suddenly enters her dick into my pussy, causing my mouth to go agape. "Fuck! You're so tight, bitch," she said as she spanks my ass and I moan.

"Fuck!! Ahhh!"

She held my waist tightly that I'm sure will get a little bruised tomorrow. She held it tightly before starting to move her hips forward and backward.

She bent down to capture my lips, and I immediately dug my nails into her back that, for sure, will leave a mark. "Fuck! Yes! Yes! Ughh!" I moan in our kiss. Who knows that I can be a screamer and scratcher.

"Shit! You're so good," she growls as she continued to thrust herself inside me. Pulling in and out occasionally and maintaining a constant rhythm and pace. She fucked me hard, deep, and fast.

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