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"You ask me why I am like this? Well because this is me! This is the real me!" I said as I glared at her with my glittering eyes.

I'm drunk so I can't help but welcome my enthusiasm. Whenever I'm drunk and I have a huge problem I'm literally crying in my room but that was before and I don't expect to feel like crying just by seeing this woman.

After I finished my second meeting I dismissed Jisoo so early and go by myself to Nayeon and I's favorite bar here in the city. I go there by myself. I want to be alone because I want to know why I suddenly became like this.

To why every time Manoban is right in front of me I can't help but feel random emotions that I can't explain but even after being alone and drunk so many bottles of alcohol I can't still find out why.

I'm mad at her. I'm extremely mad at her that the moment I saw her with Nancy I saw my father's face to hers. I got furious so I let it out to her and tell her things that I want to release.

Well, that was true! All of them are just the same that cannot stay put on their dick and can't fight with the temptation they're feeling when a girl started to seduce her.

I was mad at her but I don't mainly know why but I'm sure it's because of our agreement. Yes! It's just only because of that because she seems to be liking what nancy doing!

In our agreement, we can entertain others while we're in here and it makes my blood boil even more just remembering how Nancy seduces her! That bitch is such a whore!

Manoban looks at me with her curiosity. "You don't have the right to question me why I'm like this because since I met you I already like this! I'm just who I am!" I yell at her.

She rapidly shook her head. "'s not you Jennie" She said and for the first time, she called me by my first name. "I don't know what the fuck is wrong with you! Just last week we eat together, we slept together, we go o-"

"And that was a mistake Manoban! It's not supposed to be like that!" I said and I saw a flick of sadness through her eyes again.

"But you're happy that day" she whispers.

"I'm not" I said.

"I can see it in your eyes"

"You don't know me" I said.

"Seriously Jennie Kim? Do you think I forgot what you do earlier? What's your damn p-" I cut her off.

"You!!" I said and push her chest using one finger. "You!! You're my damn problem! I hate you! I hate so much that you're turning me into a new person that is not me! You're ruining what I become! You ruin it when you came into my life! You fucking ruin it Manoban!" I angrily said as a tear finally flowed in my eyes.

She skeptically look at me but her eyes ridden once she saw the tears in my eyes. She didn't waste time and she suddenly pulls me to her and embrace me which take me off guard. She pushes my head onto her chest as my tears continuously go out.

"I-I didn't...It's just you. It's just the actual you Jennie" she softly said as she rubs my back.

"I already heard you laugh I already saw you smiling and more and I want you to be you when you're with me..please don't hold it back and trust me. Just trust me and let me in" She added and she gentle push me and hold both of my cheeks as my tears continue streaming.

"Please look at me" she said and I obligate "being you when I'm around doesn't mean you're weak. It doesn't mean you're less tough Kim. You don't need to be scared because I'm here and I won't leave you Jen. I...I can be y-your f...friend" She said and she planted a kiss on my forehead.

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