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"Lisa, I'm pregnant" She said and I look at her and raise my brows. Eh? Why told me about this? Is she freakin' insane lady? She makes it sounds like I'm her wife and she happily announces it with a wide smile.

She makes it look like we're having a kid!

But anyway I didn't speak it out loud and just nodded at her and give her a small smile because it will be rude if I ignored her. After all...she may be the worst lover in the past but she was my best friend before.

"Congratulations. I wish you a happy family" I said and she smiled back at me.

"Thank you," She said and I nodded before I finally excuse myself because I still need to know where my wife goes. Aish! She can at least wait here outside or maybe tell me where she is going not like this!

I'm so surprised at what I found out just this day making me look like I lost someone again when in reality I was just so miserable living my life for the past few weeks and in a week it will be a month. Hearing that Jennie is having ASD makes me so sad and more miserable by thinking what if she didn't agree to the only thing that will help her?

What am I going to do? I can't force her either. A sigh escapes on my lips again as I bump into chahee who's walking to the same corridor. "Hey! Wat-...uh Lisa!" She said as her glare turn to a cheekily smile but I didn't smile back and continue walking as if I didn't see her.

As if nothing happen just earlier. I'm so deep in my thoughts what am I going to do! Damn! I didn't know this hard it is to make someone agree. "Hey!" Chahee walk beside me as she taps my shoulder as if she knows what I'm facing problem at this time. "Are you alright?" She asks and I just nodded as I look down.  "So what's with the face?"

"Nothing, I'm just finding where is Jennie" I said and she stops from walking before speaking.

"I saw her making her way to exit and seems like going to the parking lot. She also looks so pale and trembling but I didn't know what's up and I just thought maybe removing the stich kinda hurt her so I didn't mind her since she's just looking down going out"She said and I sigh in relief. I tap her shoulder and thank her for telling me before I make my way out of the hospital.

I walk towards the parking lot and go to my car and Chahee wasn't lying because I saw Jennie already inside of the car seating at the passenger seat while looking out. She didn't seem to notice me making my way there. I open the driver's seat and that's when she noticed me.

"You didn't tell me you're going here first," I said while I buckled my seatbelts. She didn't speak so I ask again. "Do you want to eat outside? Or maybe go somewhere?"

"I want to go home" She said with her horse voice which makes me wonder why does it sound like that. I just nodded and didn't force her what I want. I want to go to the mall and eat with her just like in the old times but didn't want to force her.

If she wants to go home then fine. I started the engine and drive. It's so quiet but didn't attempt to play some music because of how Jennie looks like...she wants some peace. We're currently driving through this Hannam Grand Bridge.

It's a long bridge but you wouldn't get bored driving through this because of the beautiful view of the lake and the striking sun making it mirror the beautiful lake. Under the bridge, you can have a picnic or whatsoever. It's a large ground anyways.

I was deep in my thoughts when I remember what Dr. Lee said earlier.

He can help Jennie to go through this...Jennie needs this treatment.

"Uhm...Jennie?" But as expected she didn't respond. Stupid me, but it's fine cause I should call her attention first. "How are you these past few days?" I ask her as I take a glance at her and back to the road while waiting for her response. I just hope okay?

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