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I drop the shopping bag on the floor before I go directly to the bathroom inside of my room. I walk towards the bathtub because I feel like I want to have a hot bath. After all, today is really tiring and I want to relax my body and mind.

I turn on the faucet and go out of the bathroom because it will take minutes before it got full. I walk towards my bag and took out my phone before go my way inside of the bathroom again. It's going to be relaxing if I'm going to play some instrumental music while drowning my body to warm water!

I tap the Spotify app and search for instrumental relaxing music and a bunch of playlists shown up. I hit the top playlist and play it. It's randomly playing unless I tap the next button if I don't like the music. I lean to the sink as I wait for the tub to be full. The music started playing and it's indeed relaxing.

I wait for about 10 minutes. I turn off the faucet and start to tied my hair into a ponytail before I deliberately strip my dress and undergarments. I do it slowly and carefully while holding to the sink because If I didn't hold to anything I might slip on the floor and cause a huge problem.

After I strip. I took the essential oil and started rubbing it to my buddy and mostly to my tummy. I put down the oil to the corner and carefully climb inside of the tub and slowly sat down before stretching my legs straight. "Ahhh..." I moan as the warm water covers my body except for my head.

I rest my head to the corner of the tub as I close my eyes and moan in relaxation. The music is still playing that add to be the reason for my peaceful moment. I massage my body by myself. I massage the part of my body that has been aching since then. Lisa is not here to help me so I should do this by myself.

Right. I remember Lisa. I'm thinking how is she there? are they eating and sleeping comfortably there? It's been a day and a half since she leave for camping but I already miss her! I miss my cuddle buddy every night and...I'm so horny last night and I can't do anything besides touching myself!

Argh! I never touch myself ever since until last night. I don't have any choice because I badly want to release and my hormones are killing me so instead of lying there and tutoring my self I decided to touch my self which is I successfully...did.

Anyways! I'm not going to think anymore because I want some peace of mind so I shouldn't mind anything but myself. I shouldn't worry about Lisa because she'll be okay and she said she will take care of herself. It's bad for me to be worried because I'm pregnant and I should be careful! In a month this big seed inside me will bloom and go out!

I close my eyes again and took a deep breath. I didn't realize I fell asleep for already 2 hours.

I was awakened by a loud ringing phone. I was about to get up when I felt wet. I smack my hand when I realized I fell asleep in a bathtub! I mean what if I got drowned without me knowing? I could have died if that's happen! "Stupid me" I mumbled.

My phone continue to ring as I tried to reach it with my short arms and I got it! Wow didn't know I can stretch my arm that extended. I look at the caller ID and it's my lovely wife! I smiled as I swipe and answer button and brought it near to my ear.

"Hello, Love!" I excitedly answered.

This is the first time that we spoke again because she send me a message this morning that they can't be able to bring their phone so If she didn't answer my call that's mean they're still not coming back.

It's already 6:10 when I glance at my phone before answering her call. I wait for her response. It took a moment before I heard an unfamiliar voice and what worse than that is the voice is coming from a girl! A freakin' unfamiliar voice of woman!

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