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"Hi guys. I'm Choi Jisu but y'all can call me Lia" A girl who had just shown up in front of us with a bright smile said.

We all look at each other before looking at the short girl in front of us who I believe is younger than us!
"Your kidding" I said and chuckled and the others laugh too but we heard the girl laugh with us as if mocking us.

"Why are you laughing? Aren't you supposed to be offended?" Seulgi said and the girl named Lia spoke.

"I don't know. I don't mind it either" She said.

"So you're not really kidding? You're our tour guide but why do you look younger than us" I ask.

"Because I am. I might be younger than the five of you but I know better about my work than all of you" She savagely said that cause us to froze.

"Did we just met the third daughter of Lucifer?" Wendy whispered.

"I think we just did" Moonbyul said.

"So are you guys still need me or you guys will go in the forest without me?" She asks and we instantly took out things on the ground.

"We're coming with you!" We all said in unison and she nodded before telling us to follow her.

Other groups already start hiking towards the campsite and we're the ones to last go because we obviously hesitate to come with our tour guide. Okay I admit we're being judgemental and she's right. She might be small and younger than us but when it comes to these things she knows better.

So we better shut our mouth before our tour guide leaves us alone here. We started walking to the forest. birds are chirping and flying one by one on the trees. The trees are all blooming into the green. Well trees are really green but it depends on the seasons.


We're still walking for half fucking hour and we're still not seeing a campsite! Damn! If I know this going to be hard like I never thought I will rather stay in the house and take care of my wife than walking for a damn half hour!

"Do you really know the way?" Wendy said as she lazily walk. We're already tired because all of us are not used to walk that long but this tour guide of us was just amazing!

I don't even see any sweat on her forehead like what we have and we didn't even see her panting hard! She's doesn't look tired at all because while walking she's humming a song! She's really amazing!

"Of course! I've been doing this for already 3 years! I know every corner of this forest already" She said as she look behind us.

"Can we please stop for a moment?" Jisoo asks and we all nodded. She looks at us one by one before shrugging and nodding. We all drop to our knees and groan so loud.

"Oh God! I think I regret completing your group!" Wendy said as she open her bag pack and took her jug out. We all look at her as she drank the cold water. The four of us instantly open out bag pack but I curse in my head when I saw nothing but clothes and other things except the water jug!

I look at Jisoo and she makes a face like mine and Seulgi and Moonbyul too. We all look at each other intently before we all hurriedly stand up and push each other but in the end I'm the one to come to wendy first. As I was about to snatch it Wendy dodge my hand causing me to out of balance and fall to the ground.

"Hey! This is mine!" Wendy said as she look.

"Please wendy! I'll do everything you won't just make me take a sip! I think I'll pass out in any moment!" Jisoo said but Seulgi push her aside.

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