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The weekend came so past and here I am driving towards Jennie's house. Jennie doesn't have any Idea about today because I forgot to tell her so instead of calling her I just came early in the morning. It's already 8:30 in the morning and the art gallery will be open at 10:00 Am.

We still had time to have breakfast outside. I'm really excited for today because this is my first time going out with Jennie the whole day because sometimes when we go out and try to have the whole free together there's a ringing phone and interrupting us.

I stop my car in front of the gate and go out. I didn't park it inside anymore, after all, we will go after Jennie got dress-up. I rang the doorbell and didn't take long before Mrs. Ahn open the gate. "Good Morning Mrs. Ahn!" I greet her with a smile.

"You're so early Lisa. Jennie is still sleeping because it's weekend" she said as she let me inside. We make our way in the front door and go inside.

"I have plans with her but she didn't know so I just decided to go here this early. I want to be the one to wake her up too" I said and Mrs. Ahn looks at me teasingly.

"Youngsters nowadays" she said and shook her head.

"Mrs. Ahn! We're already old to do such things" I said as I blushed hard. Since the night Jennie and I go home after our intense moment in the car. Mrs. Ahn always giving me the knowing look at I hate it! I mean she can just not mention it.

"Yeah if you said so" she said and laugh. "Do I need to cook for breakfast for the both of you?" She asks and I shook my head.

"Jennie and I will just eat outside. You can go back to sleep and continued your sleep slumber" I said and she nodded before bidding her goodbye.

I make my way upstairs and go to a specific room that own by my Love. I slowly open the door since it wasn't locked. I take a peek and there goes I saw the love of my life laying on her bed and sleeping like a sleeping beauty.

"Oh! How I wish I got to see this every morning"  I mumbled as I go inside and walk closer to her bed. I sat on the side of her bed and just look at her. She's effortlessly beautiful. I wonder what our kids will look like if our genes got to combine.

Oh! Am I already thinking about kids huh?

I chuckled at my silliness. I caress her cheeks causing her to lean closer. "Nini..." I called as I gently tap her shoulder. "Baby wake up" I called again but she just groans.

"5 minutes please" she said which make me laugh.

"Nini it's me! Come on wake up" I said and she slowly opens her eyes and her eyes twinkle once she sees me. She instantly pulls me on top of her and hugs me like a koala. Jennie is being clingy day by day and I won't complain because we're even.

I lift up my head and kiss her lips. "Good Morning Nini" I greet and she just smiled.

"How I wish it's always like this" she said and I agreed. "Morning love" she said peck on my lips before she sat up and lean on the headrests. "Why you're so early today? I mean it's Saturday if you forgot" she said and I just shrugged.

"Maybe because I want to go out with you today. I think it's the perfect day because no interruption and I can have you all day even Grand Kim will never try to interrupt our day" I said and she giggles.

"Really? Do you despise my grandfather that much?" She jokingly said.

"Not that much. I can't hate him because he will not let me marry you if I despise him" I boldly said that cause her to blush like a ripe tomato. I grin and she just hugs me and places her blushing face on the crook of my neck.

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