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The plane that Lisa was in safely landed in Incheon International Airport of South Korea. Passengers are going out one by one and Lisa didn't bother to huddle with them because she knows all of them will go out eventually.

When the passenger inside less a little she finally decided to go out of the plane pulling her two big luggage with her. Once she climbs out of the plane she goes directly to the shuttle who will drop them at the aerodrome. 

The shuttle started to drive towards the main airport when it's already fully packed. It just takes 5 minutes and they arrive. Lisa go to the line where their luggage needs to be checked by luggage in compliance with the airline baggage regulations.

Once it's already done she picked her two pieces of luggage again and pulls them with her going out of the gate of terminal 1. Ryujin and Rosé will fetch her. Rosé didn't go to university cause she wants to fetch her sister and same as ryujin.

Only her sister and her grandparents know that she will go back to Korea today. She doesn't notify the others because she wants to surprise them later she plans a dinner with them later night once she already rests from her jetlagged.

Once she goes out of terminal one she already sees the two running so fast towards her. A smile plant on her face once she saw them. They both grow up really well even just in two years. the two instantly jump in her arms and murmured something that she barely heard.

It's all fine until she heard them stiffen. "I miss you Unnie! Oh God! It's really nice to have you back here again! Please don't go again! This will be the last!" Chaeng said that makes her chuckled.

"Such a cry baby" she said which make Ryujin and Rosé groan. "I miss you both too! You don't know how I wanted to go home and see you and our friends" Lisa said which make the two smiled.

"You look so beautiful than before Unnie! Your black hair suited to you!" Ryujin said as she looks at her sister up and down.

Yeah Lisa changed her hair color yesterday because she wants a new look when she comes home. She doesn't know why she just feels like she needs a new look. "Let's go! I badly need to rest because of jet lag" she said as the two nodded and their driver gets Lisa's luggage and place them in the trunk.

They decided to head to their grandparents Mansion for lunch since her grandma said she cook for Lisa to have lunch with them since they miss Lisa too even they just spend a little time before she goes to Switzerland.

Along the way to the Mansion, the three girls can't keep their mouths and they just talk about things that they missed as if they're not calling each other on the phone. They're really happy to be in one place again and they can't wait to spend time again like they used to do.


Lisa woke up at 6 in the afternoon after sleeping for hours that she really enjoy. She stands up from her bed and goes directly to the bathroom to take a quick bath. After showering she goes to her old closet and wears the clothes she feels like wearing.

"Hot, cool...that's me" Lisa said as she fixes her collars and smiles while looking at herself in the mirror. It's kinda creepy but she really likes praising herself in front of the mirror.

She wears her shoes before going out of her room and goes downstairs direct to the living room to kill the time. After their lunch with her grandparents she decided to go to their house which is where her sisters are living. It's their parent's house by the way.

She talks to her grandparents for hours throughout lunch and goes to the house to rest because she badly needs it while Rosé goes to some errands she needs to go and Ryujin go to the company. They all agreed to just meet at the restaurant and the two said they already told others about dinner but they didn't tell that Lisa will be there.

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