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"You said you're busy today? Well maybe busy with JENNIE KIM but how the hell you're here? shouldn't you be with her?" I said that make her stop walking away.

"Can't move? Why? Caught in 4k?" I said with sarcasm she stays still and I continue. "I can't believe you can ditch your sisters just to be fuck by a fucking rich wom-" she faces me again and cuts me off.

"Watch your mouth chaeng" she said.

"Why? It's true! Why are you acting so damn scared right now when you can act so cool when you're with her? You don't even seem to be scared for us to find out what you're doing behind our back so why are you afraid of now?" I said and I saw her grit her teeth.

"It's not true" she stubbornly denied that really make me mad.

"Well yeah! Let's pretend I believe you!" I mock. "Let's pretend that I didn't know what's up with you since that day you step your foot in the city! Let's pretend I didn't know that you lied to us when you said that you were okay in Daegu when it's not! Let's pretend I didn't know that you lied to us when you said you want to live here to be with us when in fact you got fired and kick out in our apartment there! Let's pretend that you really came here to be with us when in fact you just came here just to be with that damn woman! For fuck sake! How can you stomach being a toy?! How can you stomach to sell your body?! You know what?! You're too far from what I knew my sister is! You're not what we knew you are!" I angrily said as I pointed her and another wave of tears come out in my eyes.

She stays silent with her mouth ajar. Her eyes are screaming so many words but nothing came out. Her eyes became watering and sadness and guilty are all written on her face. "I...I can't believe you turn to this...I can't believe you can set us aside just to be with you even think of us when you're with her? You know I'm just thankful that I met Jisoo because she's the one who is with us when you're not beside us! She stands as if she's our sister when in reality she is my loving girlfriend. Do you even know that ryujin got expelled last week because she got into a fight?" I said as I laugh escape in my mouth.

"Well who I am kidding? Of course, you don't know! You're too busy to be with the woman who doesn't care about you than with your own family" I said as I turn my back and ran away from her.

I heard her shout behind me but I didn't mind her. I'm just too tired to tell her about all things! She's already grown up a woman for heaven's sake! She should know what is right and wrong and based on what she's doing...she became a stupid woman who is easy to fool by that bitch.

I saw Jisoo looking sadly at me and she ran towards me and hug me. I saw seulgi behind her and I know they heard it all. I'm well aware they follow us earlier. Seulgi walks passed to us and I'm sure she's going to check my sister.

"'s going to be alright" she said and rub my back.

"D-Does she even loves us?" I said as she hugs me tightly and I sob.

"Of course! I know she did...maybe she has a reason" she said and pull out the hug and kiss my temple. "Let's get you home" She said and I nodded.

She really knows me. We just got together but she never fails to make me feel alive and safe. She knows when I'm hurt or not and she's with me when she feels like I need someone. It's not like I'm blaming my sister but what she did is really painful.

She dumps us...I can't believe she can do it.

Since the day she pays for my tuition that month that's all it started. I started to be curious as to where the hell she gets that big amount. I'm not underestimating her will but hell my tuition is a really big amount that month so where the hell did she get that so sudden?!

She's just known in the city and she doesn't know people here so I don't want to believe that she borrows money and if you're telling me she borrow it from Moonbyul! Well, I will not believe it because she doesn't want money from her best friend.

She said that time that it comes from her job she said she really got a huge amount of salary but I never believe on it so one day I didn't go to school and follow her to her so-called work which is true she's working in one famous coffee shop in Hongdae.

Once I saw where she's working...I can already tell she lied to us. Because why not? Ryujin's best friend is working there for fuck's sake! Yeji is working there so I know how much their salary is there because I ask yeji one time!

Hell, their salary there is not even half of my tuition fee! so after finding it out I instantly called Moonbyul and ask her about it but that stupid is too good to her friend that doesn't to tell me the truth and she kept saying that Lisa advances her 5 monthly salaries there!

So of course me being a detective I ask yeji again if they can have that big amount to advance their salary but she said no. She said the owner only gives a $3000 salary in advance! So where the hell did she get that $10,000?!

Anyway, my suspicions got bigger when I remember where she was living. Hell, that apartment building is so luxurious to be in Moonbyul's! I know she's rich but not that rich! She's not even living in that building when she moves to Seoul too! So yeah I  didn't call Moonbyul that time instead I dig more so that I can prove to her that I'm right and she will tell me the truth.

So yeah just months after I'm in the company because it's Wednesday and that day I had decided too to be Jisoo's girlfriend so yeah I already go home when the lunch is over but go back again once I saw I left some papers in my table.

So I go to the company again in the afternoon and people start to go back to work because obviously, the break Is over. I passed in the cafeteria but stop when I heard someone yelling. I take a peek at the door and saw Ms. Kim and Jisoo with others being scolded and it happens that I saw my sister there so I hide.

When the three girls ran out of the cafeteria I saw Ms. Kim drag my sister towards the corridor where no one is. I got curious even more so I follow them and that's when I all connect the dots. I heard their conversation and Ms. Kim bursting out in my sister.

So that day too I was so furious and called Moonbyul and tell her all I find out and she can't do anything because she knows I'm telling the truth so yeah I convince her and she tells me about what the deal between Ms. Kim and Lisa.

I was mad, disappointed, sad. My emotion are really mixed because how can she do that to us? How can she sell her body just for us? I mean hell! I rather stop studying than see her sacrificing her body or virginity.

Moonbyul just tells me that Unni just does that for her to pay my tuition fee and other debt. She didn't say that Unnie liked it or not but I'm sure she doesn't want it! Well, who would want to be in her situation?! She's being played like a toy!

I really want to confront my sister about that because I want her to stop what she's doing! But Moonbyul stop me saying that it will end up a mess if I confront her. At first, I didn't agree with her but she really gives me a long speech and end up me believing her.

When she said she's busy I know she's not. Ryujin and I are always looking forward to weekends because that's what we talk about. She promises to visit us every weekend and eat dinner together or whatsoever.

But anyway she never sticks to her words for the first time in our life. I never tell ryujin about what I found out. I don't know why but I just knew I can't tell her.

Anyway, as I said ryujin got suspended last week because she got into a fight. I was called by her professor saying ryujin is the one who punches the two girls. I don't know but the moment I heard it I gasp because I expect ryujin to slap not to punch! wait is my sister is like...into girls?!

But she said she do it because they are being bitch to her which is I understand but she apologizes to those girls even it's not sincere. I know she's really furious with those girls. Anyway, she goes back to school this Monday and promises she will not trouble us again.

Okay, go back to my elder sister. I hate to say this but...I hate her for keeping all these things for us. I'm hurt. Deeply hurt. Irene Unnie told me too that she saw Unnie last night with Ms. Kim and others!

How can she hide this from us? Argh! I need a deep explanation or maybe let myself cool before talking to her too because if I talk to her with this state...I don't know what else I can say or do.

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