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"Ticket for two please" I said to the man in the entrance and he nodded.

He wears the one bracelet to me indicating I was already paid or has the pass. I step inside and wait for Kim but when the guy was about to wear the bracelet to her she shove it which makes the guy frown.

"Miss you need to wear this so the worker inside won't misinterpret you as a trespassing" The guy said.

"But I don't want that!" Kim said.

I step forwards to them and look apologetically at the guy who just experiences the wrath of Kim. "Give me that Sir. Let me handle her" I said to him and smiled.

He nodded and hand me the bracelet and he let Kim enter. Kim rolls her eyes which causes me to chuckle. "Come here Kim" I said and she just groans and walks towards me.

"Tell me why did I agree with you? Look there are so many scary gross animals!" She whined like a child. I find it adorable.

"We're in the zoo so obviously there are animals" I said as a matter of fact and she glared at me. "Please wear this" I said merely begging her.

"No! That's out to my style" She argued.

"Do you want them to drag you out once we wander inside?" I said and she glares at me again.

"Fine! This is bullshit" she mutter and I wear it to her. "I don't really know why I agree with you. This is gonna be my first and last" she said as she walks fast to me.

"Hey! Wait for me!" I said and jog to catch her. We enter it and were welcomed by the monkeys who are happily playing on the tress holding a banana.

There are so many people inside but not that crowded and I'm thankful for that because Ms. Kim here doesn't like crowded places. "Look at that have the same hair color with them and you look like them" she said without expression.

"You know Kim? I wonder why you still keep denying to yourself that you find me cute and good looking" I said that make her stop walking and stare at me with disbelief.

"Keep dreaming Manoban" she said and rolled her eyes before walking again.

I was about to catch her again but I saw those people who are holding the banana and giving it to the monkeys and the monkey are running towards them and taking it. I giggle and run towards them. "Yah! Manoban!" I heard Kim shout but didn't mind her.

I'm so excited cause I want to experience giving bananas to the monkeys too! "Hey, Mister! Can I get the banana and give it to them too?" I happily ask and the guy nodded and give me one.

I take it but got curious so I open it and take a bite and didn't notice the monkeys saw me and they ran towards me. Lucky me there are barriers so they couldn't reach me. I felt someone smack my shoulder and saw Kim.

"You Idiot! That's for them! Are you a monkey?!" She asks.

"Why? Do you want me to become?" I said and act like a monkey in front of her.

"Please stop. Even Monkeys will not welcome you as one of them" She rudely said which make me pout.

I turn my side to the monkeys who are patiently waiting for me to give the banana to them. "Aishah poor monkeys" I said and put forward my hand for them to reach the banana.

Once the one got it they ran away again and I smile because they look so cute! I look at Kim who is busy looking at me that didn't even notice I'm already looking at her. "Done staring?" I teasingly said but she just scowls at me.

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