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I'm currently here now outside of the bar because of my sister. I've been doing this since the day she throws me out of her office. I'm always following her because I'm scared she might do something bad and yeah since that day she's been drowning herself in alcohol.

I don't know what she's up to? I mean Lisa should be the one who's doing this because she's the one who's broken-hearted here but end up my sister is the one who is always drinking. What's wrong with her? Is she completely insane?

Anyway I'm here inside my car in the parking lot. My eyes never leave the exit of the bar because I'm waiting for her to go out. The last time I follow her here is two days ago but hell even she's not going to the bar always I can sense that she's still drinking in her place.

My finger are tapping the wheel and I sigh because I'm really getting worried. It's been 1 hour and a half and she's still not going out...Oh God please don't do stupid things Jennie. The last thing I want is to let you be fuck by another man.

Hell! I will slit the guy who will touch my precious sister's body. I was deep in my thoughts when my eyes caught the familiar figure who is running out of the exit and I can't be wrong! It's her! Shit! She's running so fast towards the parking lot.

I instantly go out of the car but stop in my spot when I saw her fall on her knees after minutes of standing here like a stupid I finally let out a voice "JENNIE!" I yell as I ran towards her.

The more I getting nearer the more I hearing her loud sobs! Fuck what happened to her?! I swear if someone harassed her I will really kill that stupid.
Once I arrive in her spot I fall on my knees to level her and hug her tight. "Jen what happened?! Did someone harassed you?!" I ask as my veins pop up. I swear I'll torture him!

She didn't say anything instead she just cried harder in my arms. She's murmuring something but I can't clearly hear it! I held her shoulder and gently push her to see her face and fuck her tears are really falling like a shower. "Jen what happened? Please tell me I'm getting worried" I said in my wary tone.

"I...I w-was stupid" she said and sobs escape in her mouth. I raise my eyebrow because I can't get her! "I WAS STUPID!" She yells so loud and cries hard again. I hug her again and murmur things that she'll be alright.

Once she calms down a little I help her stand up
I help her to get in my car and I go to the driver's seat. I know she wants to say something so I know where to go. I drive towards the company and park in front of the company.

The whole ride she's so quiet but I can hear her stiffen. She's still crying. I go out of the car and she does the same and she beat me in going to the elevator. She goes in there and of course I follow her. She presses the floor.

Didn't take long the elevator swung open and here we're at the very top of the building. At the rooftop.
She ran out of the elevator and I just heard her shout too loud like she wants to hurt someone that really terrified me.

After shouting and letting it out she cries hard and sobs hard again. I hate seeing her like this but I can't help but blame her. She's the reason why she's like this. If she realizes it sooner maybe this will not happen. I just hope it's not too late for my sister and Lisa.

I walk towards her and worries are written on my face. Once I was beside her I place my arms on her shoulder and rub it. This place is where I sometimes caught her. There's a time I was about to go here but I saw her looking nowhere and thinking for I don't know what is it.

There's a led big screen in our back that it's for advertising and also giving us light. I sat on the floor and she does the same. She places her head on my shoulder and wipes her tears as she looks nowhere. I just let her and just waiting for her to tell me what's wrong.

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