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I'm so thankful Jennie love where I take her. Well thanks to my powerful litter sister who bribe the owner just for me to have a wonderful dinner date with my Miss CEO. I called Ryujin earlier and asks her if she knows any beautiful restaurant to dine in and there she said she knows one.

She tells me this Crimmisole Restaurant she said it's amazing here and serving a portion of good food and the place is just fantastic merely like luxurious romantic Restaurant but people here and most businessmen or women that really make me feel down. Do I belong to this place.

Ryujin said she once work with the owner of this Restaurant and she has a good impression of the owner so she said she got me and called the owner then boom! Here we are having a very wonderful dinner date with the girl I love.

I certainly used my sister and I felt bad but she said it's fine so yeah I just thanks her and there's when I come to Jennie's company unannounced. I didn't even talk to Jisoo and just go straight as if I'm the boss and it's kinda shameful for me. I shouldn't do that so please remind me to not do it again.

One of the waiters come to our table and clean our plates before putting a bottle of whiskey and two glasses with iced. I thanks him and he goes away leaving me alone with Jennie. "Nayeon didn't lie when she said the food here is amazing," Jennie said and chuckled.

"Yeah you almost turn the plates upside and down," I said and chuckled just to receive a glare from her. I don't know but I think the thought of annoying her never change for me. I still find it cute when she's annoyed by me.

I took the bottle and open it before pouring our glass. I took mine and take a sip of it and she did the same. "So...what's your plans?" Jennie ask me as she put down her glass on the table.

"To what?" I ask. Completely confused.

"You already finish your course and you already have the certificate. I mean I thought you'll be finding a job now" she said and crease her brows.

I breathe out because I can't tell Jennie about my project with Moonbyul. No one knows besides me and Moonbyul and but I will surely let Jennie know it first before it open in one month. She's the first person who will see but for now. It's should be secret until the construction is already furnished.

"Well I kinda thought of resting for a meantime and after that then maybe I could apply to one of the top restaurants in the city if I got lucky" I said and shrugged before drinking my whiskey.

"Yeah that's great. I will surely be going in and out to that restaurant if that's happened" she jokingly said that causes us to laugh.

"You like my cook that much huh?" I tease.

"No! I love it! It's the most delicious cook I've ever taste" She said and wiggle her brows.

"But you told me before I was a bad cook" I said and pout. Her eyes went widened.

"I didn't!" She protests.

"Yes you did! You even say you're just eating it to not go to trash because you said you don't like wasting food" I said and pretend to be hurt. I saw how her eyes went panic and I nearly laugh.

She looks down and sighs. "I was still hard-headed before" She lowly said.

"Hey! I was just teasing you" I said because I notice her sudden change of mood.

"No your right. I never really show you how great you are in every way then now I'm acting like a fangirl" she said and look at me before holding my hand that is resting on the table.

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