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"You like it?" I ask as I snake my hands onto her slim waist. She looks at me and gives me the look like seriously.

"Are you kidding me? I love it!" She said as she smiles brightly at me and kisses my lips. "You didn't have to do this" she said and we make our way towards the table. I pull the chair for her and sat down to mine.

"But I want to" I said and she snorts.

"I betting all my properties that this for sure cause a lot" She said and I didn't respond instead I just smile cheekily at her. "LISA!" She glared at me.

"It doesn't matter Nini"

"Of course it is! You spend a lot just on this. I don't want you to spend a lot of money just for me. You will not get any benefits for doing this to me" She said. Jennie is been like this when I'm doing something for her that includes from my money.

"Of course there are benefits! Seeing you happy with this little effort of mine will always be my benefit" I smoothly said and grin.

"Crazy" she mumbles and I just chuckled.

"Come on let's just enjoy the night. Money has never been an issue since I came back so there's nothing to worry about. My money is...Well I don't know and I don't care but just let me do this thing to you" I said and she just sighs in defeat. "And besides we're even. You used to spend your money on me before" I said and smirk and she turn red.

"Okay let's drop it" she said and I laugh. I signal those waiters to put the dishes I ordered. I already order it before we came and I really plan this whole thing because I want it to be perfect. Jennie is right it cost a lot but I never really mind it.

I have a lot and if I just stack it in the bank it will not do anything. My parents earn their money for us and we have money to spend it not just to let it pile up into the bank. Money is made to spend not to keep behind those banks so better spend it before you die because you can't bring your fortunes in your grave with you.

Look at my parents...did they bring their fortunes with them in their grave? No right? This is their money and they're the one who's suppose to used or spend it by their needs but instead of spending it they stack in the bank and name it after us. I mean we could earn money on our own but they're just too good to be true and passed it to us their fortune.

Don't worry I will not spend this money of mine on some nonsense things. I'm planning to donate to charity. Anyway, the waiters start to put our food on our plates and the one poured the wine in our glass. After that they walk away and just left us alone.

It's perfect here on the rooftop because it's relaxing to have a better view while eating. My payment here is worth it. I took my spoon and fork and we started to eat while talking. Jennie loves the food but she said my food is still her favorite. Should I believe it or not? LOL.

"Ahhh! I like this" she said as she pointed to the roasted chicken de meli.

"You said it too to those three dishes" I said and chuckled.

"Okay I love it all. It really makes me pull" she aid and rub her tummy. "I might get fat because of you. You're pampering me with so much food" she said and groan.

"You can just control yourself but sadly you can't resist the food just like Chaeng and J-"

"Yahh! They're worst than me! How could you compare me with those food wreckers" she said and I bit my lips to prevent from laughing because if I burst out for sure I'll be dead.

I can't believe Jennie can be a soft angelic person but can be the daughter of Lucifer also. "I'm joking" I said and took a tissue and wipe the corner of my lips. We continued eating until we're already pull. Waiters arrive and took the empty plates and just leave the bottle of wine and our glasses.

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