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"Jennie we can't..." Lisa said as she holds Jennie's hand so tight.

"I love you Lisa" Jennie said in a lowly tone because Lisa's words really go deep in her heart.

"I love you too..." Lisa with full of adoration...but Jennie's heart broke down once again in her next
Word. "but we can't do it now" she said and Jennies bit her lower lips and silently sobs.


"Because to have a healthy and peaceful relationship you need to let go of your past. you need to trust me enough. I knew it even you're not telling me I know there's still fear inside of you. Fear that I'll do the same as your father did to your mother. If you really want to have a future with me you need to move forward and forget and forgive your father. It's already been years since that happened but you're still left in that room. I know I don't have the right to tell you this but help yourself to move on Jennie"  

"I...I'm trying-" she cut Jennie off.

"No. You're terrified that I'll do the same and I can see it in your eyes" Lisa said that really strike the point. Jennie just gulps because she knows that Lisa is telling the truth too. There's still a side of her that's she scared to commit.

"I'll try it! I'm going to change! I'll do everything just to have you!"

"But today is not for us Jennie" Lisa said which make her broke into tears as same as Lisa. They're both crying a mess because even Lisa...she doesn't want this.

"What do you mean? I love you! You love me and that's the most important t-thing"

"Yes we do Jennie but we can't enter in a relationship with this state of us. Do you think I can enter into a relationship with you after the sorrow I'm in? Do you think it will be good for us to try it now?'s not because even you? You are not ready to commit with me. You're regretting that you hurt me and if we go back in each other arms so sudden it will not be good" Lisa said and rub Jennie's hand that intertwined with hers. Their hands are perfectly fit to each other but sadly...she can't to do it now.

"I love you Jen but I need to do this. I need to focus on myself first..." Lisa added and stop for a moment...she's finding the right word to tell her that she's leaving. "I...I'm leaving" Lisa said which made Jennie's body weaken.

"I'm leaving the country to pursue my dream and I need you to support me on is all about me and your's not us. let me heal from the sorrow that I'm in and I'll let you have your time for yourself and when we're both ready...maybe there...Maybe w-we can try it again"

"L-Lisa...I-I love you! I c-can't live without you! Please d...don't do this" Jennie said. Selfish at what you think but all she needs is Lisa...she needs Lisa.

"I know and neither me! I can't live without you too but we need to do this. We need to fix ourselves first Jen" she said which make Jennie shut up...there's a long silence before Jennie spoke again with full of fear.

"w...what if y-you will not gob-back?" She asks.

"Fate will find ways Jen. I know I will...I'll come back for you"

"How can I live with this mess? Only you who can help through this..."

"You can do it Jennie. We can't always rely upon each other. It's just two years...after two years and we'll see if...if it's already time for us"

"What fell out of love when you come back?"

"I don't know...we don't know. We can't tell what the future will plan for us Jennie" and Jennie's heart broke into pieces...she knows...she knows that Lisa said is true that they can't predict everything that will happen to them. Just thinking of Lisa having someone that is not her? Makes her world crashes...she will not make it if that's happened.

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