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I open my eyes because the fucking doorbell has kept ranging since earlier! I tried to not mind it thinking that the person behind it will go away but hell! That person just kept pressing and pressing the fucking doorbell!

I'm so lazy to get up, especially since my head is aching so much because of a hangover. Now I plan to not get drunk anymore because it's not good! It's just giving me an aching head.

I groan as I sat on my bed and shake my head thinking my headache will ease even in a moment but I was wrong. "Argh! Shit!" I groan again as I look on my nightstand and see it's still 6:49 in the morning!

Who the fuck will be coming to my place this early?! Are they somewhat insane?! "I'll kill who the fuck this person is" I mumbled as I got up and walk out of my room before going downstairs.

The lights are still off so I turn it on all and sway the curtain causing the daylight to peek in my big window.


The bell rang again. I walk towards the door with my sour face as I open it widely. "What the f-" I didn't finish my sentence when Moonbyul pushes me inside before closing the door.

"You make me wait for 20 damn minutes!" She said as she walks towards the kitchen and gets a bottle of water inside of the fridge.

"What are you even doing here? I never tell you to go here this fucking morning!" I said as I sat on one stool.

"I'm here because I had bad news to report to you" she said that caused me to gulp and nervously raise my brows.

"How bad is it?" I ask.

"Not that bad" she said and shrugged.

"You sure?" I ask and she nodded.

"Aish! It depends on how you react"

"Okay, wait" I said as I walk to the fridge and get a bottle of water. She looks at me in confusion.

"Water?" She asks.

"Yeah In case I had a panic attack" I said and she chuckles as if I was joking. "Okay tell me the damn bad news" I said and lean on the Island.

"Remember the painting of your Mom?" She asks. Okay, I had a bad feeling about this. I nodded. "Remember I told you I will get it for you?" She asks again.

"Just go directly" I said.

"This 5 in the morning the guy that I order to get the painting or at least offer that landlord a big amount just for him to get it...he told me it's already sold" she said that makes my eyes widened.

"But it's already months ago!" I said.

"Yeah! That's why I was pissed at this guy! He said he just called me just now because he's busy or whatsoever and what's make me furious is he called me this 5 Am! It's so fucking early for that damn news!" She said and I sighed.

"Your guy is an Idiot" I said as I sigh. I open the bottled water and drank it. "Is he that busy that he can't call you for months? If he just said it earlier maybe I'll be the one to work with it" I said.

"Uhmm...It's just got a little problem..." She said and scratch her nape.


"I forgot to pay him so he fires back that's why I am even complaining about him reporting to me that late when I don't even pay him even 1 scent" she said and nervously laugh.

"You're Idiot" I said before walking away.

"Hey! I just forgot it okay? I promise to do my best again!" She yells from the kitchen.

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