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It's 4 pm, and I'm still here in the kitchen, waiting for the waiter to come in and give me a cue to cook what the customer wants. Solar goes out; I don't know why, or maybe she's bored being here with me.

I'm sitting on the stool with a tissue paper on my hand, playing with it. I'm still thinking about Chaeng's tuition fee. I really don't know where to go or where I will get that big amount.

But I'm not planning to give up searching for it. I will do everything and anything just to have that amount of money within this month. I don't want my sister to be like me, who has not finished schooling.

I don't want any of my sisters to feel how to be unwanted by others or to be hated by others. I can't stomach just thinking of them being in my shoes and meeting horrible persons.

"Kimchi fried rice!" Hwasa said as she sat on the next stool.

"That's all?" I ask, and she nodded.

"I'll just go to the comfort room," she said, and I nodded.

I took a pan once again and fried the pork before putting the rice and the cuts of kimchi and sesame oil. I took the spatula and mixed it while holding the pan holder.

I took the pot lid before turning the stove to low heat and leaned on the stool while waiting for the Kimchi to be cooked. "Lisa! I got stuck here!" I heard Hwasa shout so loud, so I hurriedly ran towards the cubicles where the comfort room is.

I saw that it's not even locked outside, so why the hell would she say it is? I turned the knob, and it opened widely, and I saw Hwasa panicking inside. "Hey! It's not locked outside," I said and frowned at her.

"No! It's locked earlier! I tried to push it hard, but I just can't open this fucking door," she frustratingly said.

"Maybe the doorknob already had a problem. We should tell Mrs. Feng about this," I said as she goes out.

"Yeah. Maybe we really should! I nearly had a panic attack!" She said.

I was about to say something, but I remembered the Kimchi! "Shoot! I forgot my kimchi fried rice!" I said as I ran towards the kitchen again and sighed in relief.

I walked towards the stove and turned it off before taking off the pot lid. I took a plate and transferred it to the plate. I didn't bother to taste it again because I already tasted it once I put the pot lid.

I put kimchi leaves on it and gave them to Hwasa. "Here we go!" I said as she took it from my hand.

She goes out to the kitchen to serve the menu, and I go back to the stool, and that's when I realized Solar is already here and sitting on another stool too.

"You're here," I said.

"So what?" She rudely said, so I decided to just shut the fuck up.

I took my phone and just scrolled through my social media because I'm bored. I was about to call my little sister Ryujin because I know she's already at their apartment, but I was cut off by the loud shout outside the kitchen.


I instantly ran outside of the kitchen only to see the guy who is coughing hard with his reddening face. He's a well-built guy with so many tattoos on his body.

Once I step out from the kitchen, he has a deadly glare on me, and customers start to look at my spots too, so I speak and walk towards the guy. "U-Uhm..excuse me, sir," I nervously said.

"WHO THE FUCK COOKED THIS FUCKING KIMCHI FRIED RICE?!" he literally yelled in front of my face.

"Who else? Of course, that stupid chef!" I heard Solar said.

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