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Nayeon really annoyed the shit out of me throughout the whole lunch. Apparently she just seat at our table so I could pay for their lunch along with her girlfriend but lucky me Lisa is the one who insisted to pay because she said it's our date so she should be the one to pay but that shameless friend of mine didn't even stop Lisa for paying her meals!

I mean I'm the one who is her date, not her or her girlfriend. Jeongyeon became my close when Nayeon introduce her to me years ago so I can playfully talk around to her just like how I talk to Nayeon. That couple is really indeed crazy! No wonder they're girlfriends.

Jeongyeon is a lawyer and Nayeon is a businesswoman so how the hell they're so eager for us to pay their meals! Hush! Anyway, I'm here now walking hand in hand with my one and only girl. We're going to the aquarium and I'm so excited because you believe it or not...I have never been into one since I was young.

I only see aquariums on tv but we have never been there because our father is really protective of us at that time. He's kinda pathetic for thinking the glass might crack and we might drown. See? Pathetic reason but anyways I can't blame him if that's what he believes.

We're just walking towards there because this part of Seoul is full of tourism places to go that's why it felt so good. After all, we just need to walk around and you will arrive at what you wanted to go. No need for used cars. I sometimes want to walk around just like this. Walking around with your special someone hand in hand. It's romantic and a bit cliché but no one cares.

After few more steps, we arrive at the entrance of the Lotte World Aquarium of Seoul. We got a ticket for both of us before we get in. To summarize the place we're walking to. we walk unhurriedly so we could see the beautiful creatures of fish.  This place is a sort of combination of both a leisure center and an aquarium.

If you're dumb enough to ask if we can swim inside. Well no. We can't swim like a shit alongside the exotic beautiful fishes or sharks that wouldn't bat an eye to taking a limb off. But they have some fun activities that you can enjoy.

It's so nice to be here. I never know how It looks in the actual. Once you're inside you will think you're in the middle of the sea and swimming along with those fishes but in the reality, you're just surrounded by glass that stopping the water to wet you or splashes you.

"Isn't that Nemo?" I ask as I pointed the Orange with white fish and chuckled along with Lisa.

"So we go here because you want to see Nemo? If that's the case I should just bring you to our house and I will show you chaeng's fish. Joohwangie" Lisa said and giggle.

"That's no fun. I always wanted to go here so if you just brought me there I wouldn't able to see the aquarium until I die" I jokingly said.

"Woahh! You never been here too?" She asks and I nodded.

"That's sucks. I wonder what else you have never been to or never do"

"My childhood sucks" I said and sigh.

"It's fine. We will do together all you want to do when you were young but you weren't able to do" she said as she squeezes my hand and smiled at me.

Lisa never fails to flattered my heart. My heart is already tired from beating rapidly but here she is making it more rapid beating. "I'd love to" I said and flashed my gummy smile.

We continue walking around and we saw and watch different underwater species. It's really fun to watch fish swimming under you and in front of you. We see penguins too and they're adorable. Lisa and I feed them with little fish. It's cute if you just saw but all you can do is Imagine all of what happenings in the story Lol. That's a pity.

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