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A loud siren can be heard at the national highway of Seoul. Cars are going to the side of the road to give way to the rushing ambulance. No one knows what currently happening inside but they all know that inside it's between life and death.

Lisa can't stop her tears from coming out. She just can't accept that this wouldn't happen if she just calm herself and didn't start an argument. She knew it was because of this stupid kai but can she passed this fault to him nor Jennie? No, she can't because if she listen this wouldn't happen.

The ambulance drives faster than before and with the help of cars giving way for them they arrive faster than they expected. The ambulance quickly stops Infront of the emergency entrance. Lisa goes out and even stumbled on her own feet! She wants to shout for being this weak!

She weakly stands up with the help of a rushing guard who helps her to get on her feet and gives her crutches her. The nurses from the emergency rush towards the ambulance and help Jennie to move to the mattress before they rush Jennie inside the emergency room. 

Lisa try to ran with them holding Jennie's hand and kept mumbling things that everything will be alright. She tries to go with them inside the O.R but one Doctor blocks her. "I'm sorry Ma'am but you can't go inside" He apologetically said but she received a loud shout from Lisa.

"WHY?! WHY THE HELL I CANT?! SHE'S MY WIFE! SHE NEEDS ME!" Lisa stubbornly pushing him away but he still manages to block her.

"Ma'am it's one of the rules of the hospital! You need to keep yourself together and wait outside. They..." The Doctor can form the word that both mother and baby will be alright but base on what she witnesses...

He can't just promise.

"TELL ME! TELL ME THEY WILL BE ALRIGHT!" Lisa said as she fell on her knees. "Please promise m-me..." Lisa begs on her knees which really brought the doctor in front of him to tears.

He knows...he knows how hard this from her to handle but he can't promise a thing! He's a doctor who just knows how to save lives but doesn't know how to tell if he has the power to make sure that everything will be alright! Seeing the girl in front of him begging on his knees makes him thoughtful.

"I'm going to do my best...I will" He said as he runs back inside and two nurses close the O.R room door.

Lisa stays on the floor crying her heart out until someone rub her back. She didn't look who was it and she instantly hug the person. She doesn't care who the heck is it but all she needs for now is someone to hold on to. Someone to lean on at this moment.

"I-It's my fault! It's m-my fault!" Lisa continuously said it as she punch her head weakly but the person in front of her held her hand to stop hurting herself.

"Stop it! Don't hurt yourself! It's not your fault! No one wants this to happen...please don't do this" once Lisa heard that voice she cried even more and hug Moonbyul tighter.

It's Moonbyul...she's always present to periods I need her.

Lisa thought as she cry her heart out on Moonbyul's shoulders. Moonbyul let her cry on the floor with her until she felt that Lisa slowly calm down but her tears didn't. Her tears were like waterfalls that never stop from falling on her cheeks. Moonbyul is so close to the tiff of crying just seeing her best friend.

Lisa was looking at nowhere and so quiet as if she just lost her whole soul. As if her soul leave her body and go wander around the world where she wouldn't felt the discomfort. Moonbyul sigh deeply as she stand up and help Lisa sat on the stainless steel bleachers beside the O.R.

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