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this morning I fetch Jennie because our Restaurant is already finished and the furniture inside was already complete. The whole place is already ready to be open but Moonbyul and I decided to open it after another week because we're still working on papers and those applicants that apply for waiter and waitress.

And of course we need chefs too because as I said the place is big and If Moonbyul and I are just the ones who will work in the kitchen it will be a mess or should I say will be hard for the both of us because we're not that fast to just cook and cook for their orders so I let Moonbyul handle it.

So as I was saying I brought Jennie to the place and I couldn't stop smiling at the thought that Jennie was the first person I brought there besides Moonbyul and myself. I'm really happy to share with Jennie all my achievements and I was glad that she appreciated it. Jennie is just perfect and very supportive.

For sure the others will love it too once they see it but they will see it once we officially open it. I can't believe all of these things are really happening and in a week we will open it to the public. Anyway After I brought Jennie there we go straight to eat breakfast since it was still early.

Yeah I make her wake up early just to drag her here because I can't find a time when she's free so I just thought of dragging her early in the morning. After our breakfast together I drop her in her company although she's already late she said she doesn't mind it because she doesn't have anything important to do today.

"See you later! I'll fetch you since I'm the one who drops you here" I said and she nodded before kissing my cheeks and goes out of the car.

I watched her go inside the building before I drove away. Today I have to meet Moonbyul because I need to sign a contract that needs to be signed by us so that our Restaurant will be open legally. You know here in Korea before you open such a big business you need to have an agreement with the local government of Seoul.

I have my lawyer with us because we need him. Moonbyul said we will just meet at the café because the person we need to deal with will be meet us there so I agreed and turn my wheels towards the café in Hongdae. Actually it's where I used to work.

After an hour seating here in my seat and facing this middle-aged man from the council we're finally done. We talk a lot of strategies that are not allowed to do or whatsoever to and later on we finally sign and have their agreement for us to legally open our Restaurant.

Oh God! Just a little more!

"Congrats with your Restaurant Ms. Manoban and Ms. Moon. I wish a successful opening" he said as he stands up and offer and shake hands. We accepted it with all glory even this stupid beside me is trying hard not to laugh. She's not really taking this seriously!

"Thank you Mr. Lim" I said and smile at him. He took his bag and bid his goodbye along with my lawyer. Moonbyul and I make our way out of the coffee shop and that's when she started to laugh.

Before I step out I look around once again. Hoping I would see my friend Momo but I didn't see her. Did she already resign? well it's been two years and I haven't spoken a word to her even by phone and that's really sad because I miss her. She's one of the people who are always on my side whenever I need her and vice versa.

"Oh God! I never expected I will be in that position where I need to be so formal and intimidating" She said and shook her head and chuckled.

"You should practice more byul. You're not good at dealing and I'm disappointed my dear P.A" I tease and she just glared at me.

"So where to now?" She asks me.

"I have lunch with Ryujin. Why don't you join us?" I ask her and she instantly nodded

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