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"What?! You fired your secretary again?! What the hell is wrong with you?" Nayeon said in disbelief.

I just told her what happened earlier, and after that, she gave me that same look as my brother. "There's nothing wrong with me, but my secretary," I said and rolled my eyes before taking a bite of my salmon.

Nayeon brought me here to La Master Restaurant in Hongdae. She said she has been here many times when she doesn't feel like cooking.

"No way, Rubyjane! I can't even count on my fingers how many secretaries you've fired," she said.

"I never told you to count," I said and shrugged.

"Aish! I hate it when you're being savage to me!" she said and groaned.

"You can't blame me."

"Of course I can! Can you be polite sometimes? Now I pity your employees for being with you every day," she said and took a sip of her juice.

"Yah!! I thought you were okay with my attitude?!" I said and glared at her.

"Of course I am! I'm already used to your attitude, but what about them? Aish, poor employees," she said, which caused me to throw a crumpled tissue at her.

"Are you serious, Nayeon?"

"Hey! I'm just kidding, Jen! I love you, and you know that," she said.

"Argh! Whatever," I said and sighed, then continued eating my lunch because that's the point of why we came here.

I was about to take another bite of my salmon when Nayeon interrupted again. "So Nancy is finding applicants again?" she asked.

"Can you please stop asking and let me eat for once?" I said.

"Sorry, but I'm curious, so you just need to answer my question."

"Fine! I told that woman to find applicants for that position," I said and set down my spoon and fork, not daring to eat again.

"I just can't believe you're calling her a woman when we both know that we lost our virginity to strangers too," she said.

"She is way more disgusting than us. I only had two one-night stands, and I'm sure those two dumb guys didn't even remember me because we were both drunk," I said.

"But Nancy is also having one-night stands."

"Yeah, but is her... uh... interest that insatiable that she needs to engage every night? We're not like that," I said and shook my head.

"Still, we had sex with strangers too," she retorted.

"Nayeon, months have already passed, and no one has come forward claiming to have been with me. And besides, I only did that because I was drunk, and they didn't even meet my expectations," I said.

Yes, I experienced one-night stands with strangers. The first time was when Nayeon and I went to a bar two years ago. I knew the guy, but he didn't recognize me because I wanted to remain anonymous. However, he wasn't good, and I didn't find any satisfaction in that experience, so I stopped. Just last year, in frustration due to work, I went to a bar and met an American guy. We were both drunk, and I gave in. Again, the experience was disappointing, and it seemed like he was the only one who enjoyed it. He was boring and not skilled. After those two nights, I never tried one-night stands again because I realized that most men couldn't satisfy me, and I regretted losing my virginity.

"Let's just drop the topic because what I did in the past was nonsense," I said and stood up.

"Where are you going?" She asked.

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