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"I like seeing you annoyed" she said which make me groan but eventually smirk at my sudden thought. This stupid should get her punishment.

"Really?" I said and smirk and she frowns. "You like seeing me annoyed huh?" I said as I step towards her and she gulps and steps backward. "Do you think I'm enjoying it?" I said and step again and she steps backward.

We continue doing it until her back slams to the wall that makes her get trapped. I smirk and raise my hand and trace her jawline using my index finger which makes her moan a little. "J-Jen..."

I smirk even more and laugh mentally. I step forward again making her gulp. My hand went down to her neck, chest, and stomach making her hitch in breathing. I bit my lower lip as my hand goes down against and stop in her so-hard dick.

This girl is so fast to be aroused. I cupped her balls and massage them causing her shut her eyes close and moan. "Fuck... Jen" she moans.

My hands loosen to her balls and I started to laugh loud which make her eyes open. "Did you see your face earlier? Well obviously not but damn! Hahaha! Your so damn horny" I said and laugh even more and she glares at me.

"Such a damn tease" she said and walk past to my seat on the couch.

"Now you feel how to be teased? That's what you make me feel dumbass" I said as I recover to my laughter. That's really funny! Now I want to do that often.

"Come with me" She suddenly said as I sat on the couch across from her. I frown.

"What makes you think I'll come with you?" I said. She's still wearing my glasses and it really does look good to her but doesn't want to give her the contentment.

"Because it's dinner and you're already allowing me to eat with you sometimes" she proudly said.

"I'm busy" I said as I cross my legs and arms.

"It's already time to go home, Kim. You're so workaholic ass" she said that made my eyes widen.

"What did you say?!"

"You being a workaholic ass" she said again. I take off my heel and throw it at her but she catches it.

"Yah! Of course, I'll stay longer than my employees! I'm the boss here!" I said as a matter of fact.

"I didn't say you're not the boss" she said and shrugged.

"Still no" I said and stand up and take my glasses and heels from her before walking towards my table and sat on my swivel chair.

But this annoying ass stands up too and walks towards me "Come on! It's a newly open samgyeopsal and I'm with Seulgi and Jisoo" she said and I look at her and raise my brow.

"Did you really expect me to have dinner with you and my employee? Do you forget that I don't want to have meals with others?" I said.

"I felt lucky to have the chance to have meals with you" she said and I pick my ballpen and throw it to her again.

"Can you go out now?! Your disturbing my work time!" I said cause I can't really handle my wrath to her. She's really annoying.

"Fine! Fine! I'll go now but..." She pauses and bends down to reach my ears. "...come to my place tonight" she whispered before licking my earlobe.

I felt my ears heated. I don't know but whenever she's doing these bold things I can't stop myself from blushing! "Get out now!" I said and she does.

"She's getting into my nerves!" I groan once she goes out.

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