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I aggressively push my door open that makes the person in front of me nearly stumbled on her feet but she managed. My eyes are still sending deathly glares to this guy or woman because I don't know if this person is a girl or boy. After all, this jerk is fucking wearing a tinted helmet!

I click my tongue in an uproar. "YAH! WHO THE FUCK ARE YOU TO YELL AT ME AND ACCUSE ME OF NOT MINDING THE LAW?! YOU JERK! I DIDN'T EVEN VIOLATE THE SPEED LIMIT! YOU EVEN HAVE THE GUTS TO SLAM YOUR FILTHY HANDS ON MY CAR?!" I angrily yell to the person in front of me but this jerk seems to be in her own world not minding me and just standing straight as if she was in ice.

Like a douche bag standing froze in front of me but I can't see if this jerk is looking at me and it's irritated me that I can't see her face because I really want to punch this jerk so hard until this dork bleed! "YOU!! YOU EVEN IGNORING ME! PAY THE AMOUNT OF YOU CAUSE! LOOK AT MY CAR WINDOW!" I said as I form my fist into balls.

I was waiting for her to speak but what this person did shock the fuck of me! She pulls me to a tight embrace. So tight as if she don't want me to let go. I got startled by the sudden action because just earlier she was uproar and now hugging me?!

I don't know this person but the hug she gives to me makes me felt warmth and comfort. I felt so secured in this arm around me that make me take a deep breath to relish the warmth I'm feeling.

I suddenly calm down as I close my eyes tight letting myself hug by a stranger. It's silly because I want to push her away but my body just felt frozen that I can't move any parts of my body because I felt so secured in this stranger's arms that makes me want to just stay in her arms.

The hug is familiar and I just feel this feeling with a certain person...and that person is not here. that's when I realize that I shouldn't let someone hug touch me or to make me feel like this because only one person can do that to me and she's not here.

Only her who can make my heart beat fast or beat abnormally not this stranger and only Lisa can make me feel the safe feeling in her arms and no one can do that unless Lisa is the person in front of me but that's impossible. Way to impossible.

I rapidly shook my head before gaining the strength to push the immigrant hard that makes her stumble on the ground. "H-How dare you to touch me?! You jerk!" I said as I tried to calm myself because my heart just can't calm down for a fucking minute!

It keeps beating so loud that makes me felt terrified if the person in front of me heard it I look down at my feet and close my eyes tight and curl my fist because I felt so fucking upset to feel this to someone who's not Lisa!

I felt the person on the floor move but I never tried to look at her anymore because I really felt my cheeks are heated and I don't want to felt embarrassed!. My eyes are still closed tightly and my head is down.

I flinch when someone suddenly held my chin that makes my head up but I didn't bother to open my eyes! I just can't and I don't know why the hell I can't but I can't help but to wish to all the saint that I wish It's Lisa. I wish Lisa is here in front of me instead of this stranger.

"Open your eyes" I felt a bolt run through my body when I heard the Husky familiar voice but I don't want to let my hope higher because I already experience this! In two years I experience hugging three-person that I thought were Lisa! Fuck please don't play with me.

"Please open your eyes" just hearing the voice I can tell she is a girl...a girl with a husky voice oh fuck!
"Please do" she demanded and I gulp so hard and take a deep breath before slowly opening my eyes but what I see In front of me makes my heart jump from the cage.

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