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The next day, I woke up early in the morning because before I went to sleep last night, I received an email from Pollywogs Corporation stating that they agreed to have a meeting with me in my company at 8 AM.

Actually, it's not really my job to entertain them because they are the ones who need me, not the other way around. I just let them have a meeting with me because I wanted to give them a chance.

After wearing my decent work attire, I left my room and went downstairs. I headed directly to the kitchen because I felt thirsty. "Can you give me a glass of water?" I asked one of our maids as I sat on a stool.

The maid did as I said and gave me a glass of water. I drank it all before getting off the stool, and as I was about to leave the mansion, I heard my grandfather calling me from behind.

"Jennie," he said as he descended the stairs, "Why are you up so early today? It's only 6 AM."

I approached him, and he pulled me into an embrace. I pulled away and replied, "I'm always early."

"But you're even earlier today."

"That's because I have a meeting with Pollywogs Corporation this morning," I said, noticing his widened eyes.

"I thought you didn't want that company?" he asked.

"Yeah, but I think of giving them a shot to see what they can do." I said as I glanced at my wristwatch. "I'm going now, Grandpa" I said and kissed his cheek.

"Okay, take care," he said before I nodded and left.

I saw Kwangsoo standing beside the car, and he opened the door for me at the back seat before getting into the driver's seat. "Good morning, Miss Kim," he greeted and smiled at me.

Kwangsoo is my grandfather's driver, but he's not just a driver. Kwangsoo is all around and capable of doing many tasks, which is why my grandpa hired him. Kwangsoo has been working for my grandpa since I was young, so I'm quite close to him.

He treats me as his own daughter since he lost his own daughter. His daughter had a tumor and eventually passed away, which also led to his wife leaving him. So, in turn, I treat him as part of my family. Kwangsoo has always been there to help me with my problems, and I often share my dilemmas with him. He's always ready to lend a hand in finding solutions.

"Good morning to you too," I replied and nodded. He started the engine, and we drove away.

After a few minutes of the drive, we arrived at the company. Kwangsoo opened the door for me, and I stepped out and went directly inside. As always, my employees greeted me, but I ignored them, as if they didn't exist.

I proceeded to my private elevator. After a brief wait, the doors opened, and I stepped out. I stayed in my office for hours, working on documents, until I heard a knock on my door.

"Come in," I said, and the door swung open, revealing my brother's secretary.

I had spoken to my brother the day before, asking to borrow his secretary for the day, as I needed assistance for my meeting. He agreed, explaining that his secretary was slightly intimidated by me.

"They're already in the conference room, Ms. Kim," Kang Seulgi said, bowing to me.

"Okay, give me a moment," I replied, and I got up to freshen up.

Once I was ready, I exited the bathroom and signaled for my temporary secretary to follow me. The conference room was on the same floor, and we took the elevator to get there.

Seulgi walked beside me, focused and attentive, jotting down notes in her notebook. She was taking her work seriously, unlike many others who were rather careless. She held the door open for me, and we entered the conference room.

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