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After the talk with taehyung, Jennie instantly runs out of the company and goes to the side road. She remembered that she doesn't have a car with her so she hails a taxi and luckily the taxi quickly stop in front of her.

She climbs in and told the driver where the location is. She asks the driver to drive so fast because she's already panicking after taehyung's tells her that she should be there before it's too late. She can't help but think of any possible things that might happen.

While Jennie is inside of the car panicking...Lisa stop her car in front of the building where she uses to live. She goes out of the car that she barrow from her grandfather. She goes directly to the entrance of the building and the guard instantly recognizes her.

"Lisa! Why did I never see you this past few days?" The guard asks her and Lisa just smiles.

"I've been busy" she lied and instantly bid her goodbye because she doesn't want him to ask her furthermore because she's trying to forget some things that needed to be forgotten.

She goes inside the elevator and punches the floor number. She really felt great today because since the night she becomes a mess she hasn't hang out and apologize to Jisoo and Seulgj and now that they hang out and forgive her she can't be happier.

She drags Moonbyul with her because she wanted Moonbyul and the two to become friends too and no doubt they really click together. They're with Nancy which makes Lisa uncomfortable but she acts like she didn't felt like that.

She's been thinking about it earlier. There's a car that nearly hit Nancy and once she saw the car she already recognizes it however she's very sure that Kwangsoo will never drive like that Kwangsoo is a good driver and once it all sinks into her she thinks about the certain person.

She's really something.

Lisa said in her thoughts. The elevator chime and she go out. She immediately goes to a certain room and unlocks it. She goes inside and just looks at the whole place. She sadly smiles at the memories they have here. It's not like they just always fuck here.

Of course there's a memory of her cooking for Jennie and them watching a movie in the living room while teasing each other there are more but she doesn't want to remember it anymore because it's just giving her headaches and mostly...heartache.

She proceeds to the reason why she's here. She's here because she needs to pick or pack all her things and it's not included all the things that Jennie bought for her. She never thinks of packing it with her because after all, it's not her money. She has so many things to give back to Jennie but she will do it one by one.

Once she already put all her things in her big luggage she zipped it and stand up before pulling out of her used-to-be room. She stops in the middle and looks at the room for the one last time before sighing deep and turns her heels towards the door.

While she makes her way to the door. Jennie just goes out of the elevator and Immediately runs so fast towards a certain room. Once she stops in front of the door at the same time that Lisa pull it open that makes them both startled.

Lisa looks at Jennie as if she saw a ghost. She looks at her with her eyes widened and mouth agape. She's still in a state of surprise that didn't notice Jennie already hug her so tight and cried. It took a few minutes before Lisa back to her senses and shook her head.

"J-Jennie..." She stutters as she looks at Jennie who is still hugging her to death.

"Lisa...I w-was wrong!... I was always wrong!" Jennie said that makes her raise her eyebrows because she doesn't get it.

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