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"So..." We're currently here on the balcony of our room. After we ate dinner with Mom we stay for a moment in the living room and talk about things and watch movies. It's mom's Idea so even I'm so eager to explain things to Jennie I couldn't because Mom really wants to watch the movie with us.

It took us an hour before Mom release us. We head to our room and I wait for Jennie to finish showering before she goes on the balcony with me. We're both standing leaning at the rails as my other hand holding to my crutches. The wind blew for the second time.

It makes the both of us shiver because we're just wearing a t-shirt and as I said last time. The weather is so cold these days. "Wait. I'll get us a hoodie. It's so cold" she said and I didn't Argue and let her.

I walk towards the small round table with two chairs besides. I sat on one chair and sigh deeply. I was waiting for Jennie to come back when I heard Jennie's cellphone rang. Her phone is on the table just beside my phone so I can hear it clearly.

I reach for her phone and saw its unknown number. I read the number and trying to remember who owns this number but I can't seem to know. The number is so new to my sight that's why but who could this be? Who's this unknown person reason to call Jennie this late 10 Pm?

I wait for Jennie to come back a little more so she could answer it by herself but it looks like God want me to answer this instead because it's already 5 minutes and Jennie still not coming back and add to that the phone is still kept ringing as if the person behind it is in dilemma and need help.

"This might be an emergency" I said as I look at the door and stand up and walk at the corner and answer the phone call.

"Jennie! Oh god! I need your help! Please meet me  tonight!" The moment I heard that panicking familiar voice I already knew who it was.

My hand tightened at the crutches on my right hand as I clench my jaw. It's like I was mute the moment I heard his voice. I can't seem to speak a word because all I can do now is calm the insanity that currently running all over my body. My veins pop up on my arm as I tightened my hold on her phone.

"Jen? Hello? Are you there?! This is really urgent! Meet me to where we always meet up!" He spoke again and the moment I heard the word 'Again' I lost it all.


"What the fuck?" I yell from the top of my lungs. "Why the fuck you're contacting my wife's phone?! what the hell are you talking about meet-up place?!" I gritted my teeth as I felt my blood already boiling and veins already popping.

"L-Li...Lisa?" He uttered and I click my tongue.

"Answer me Jongin" I angrily said as I slam my crutches on the glass table that cause it to crack. The impact is hard that makes a loud noise. Jongin didn't speak but I can hear running footsteps towards me.

My eyes were glued to the door of the balcony and once Jennie enter the balcony with a worried expression...I stared at her. Her phone is still near my ears but she doesn't seem to notice that I was on call. "Love? What happened?" She said as she was about to walk towards me but I stop her.

"Don't you dare" I said and clench my fist. She raises her brows still not aware of the situation. 

I squirt my eyes and took the phone away to my ears and tap the loudspeaker. "K-Kai?"  Jennie uttered but  unsure because she didn't see the caller ID clearly.

"J-Jen" Jongin trembly said. Once jongin speak I witness how my wife's eyes went wide and instantly look at me with full of distress.

"No... It's not it lo-"

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