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I go out of my so-called room fully dress. Today is the day where we need to go to the hospital for Jennie's stitch removal. Her wound is already close and after the strict got removed it will be fully held like before but it will leave a mark. That's a sad part. A mark that will never be gone and will make you remember this day.

I walk towards our room and knock three times. After she eat breakfast I recalled to her that we need to go to the hospital. She didn't answer me but I think she get it that we need to go there. It's important matters anyway. After I knock I didn't hear anything inside even coming footsteps.

I sigh and decided to just go inside and check her but another sigh came out of my mouth when I saw her still on her bed and still not dress up as if not wanting to go with me. I walk towards her and speak softly. "Love we need to go there, we have a schedule this morning with Dr. Lee. We can't be late" I said as I look at her unaffected face and just looking nowhere.

"Jen...this is a really important schedule. Your stitches will be got remove, aren't you happy?" I ask again but didn't get any response from her. It was like talking in the air. "After this, I will never disturb you again. Just come with me today at the hospital and meet Dr. Lee" I plead and it took a long seconds before I found myself staring blankly at Jennie who's making her way to our wardrobe.

Does she want me out of her sight?

Is she still blaming me?

Well, didn't even know if she blame me or not but base on our last conversation at the hospital the last time...I think she was disappointed or something else. She wouldn't act like this to me if she didn't blame me anyways. I should accept this I deserved this...I guess?

I wait for her downstairs in the living room for about 20 minutes before we quietly go out of our house and go directly to my car that was a park in front of the house because I was ready for it this early morning. I open the door for her before I go to the driver's seat.

I started to drive towards our destination. The ride was so quiet that's why I decided to play Jennie's favorite playlist that downloaded in my car. It helps to wipe out the thick air inside. Jennie is just looking out of the car staring at the people, buildings, or things that we're passing by.

After my call to Mom last's still bothered me. I don't how I will open and ask her about it because I'm so scared that what happened the last time happened again. I don't want to frighten her about things...I just hate forcing her to do things that she doesn't want to do.

If she wants to move forward she will help herself. If not then I should bear with it. As I said it's part of the obstacles that I would put up with.

After a minute I pull up in the parking lot of the first hospital in Seoul and go out. I was planning to help her go out of the car but she already got out and started to walk to the entrance leaving me dumbfounded.

I should understand...

I walk faster to catch her and walk beside her. Once we enter the hospital I already heard someone calling us from afar excitedly. "JEN! LISA!" None other none...the director of the hospital. Chahee who's having a bright smile running towards us but I think she notices the mood of Jennie that's why she just awkwardly smile and greet us.

"Hey..." She said and look at Jennie up and down then look at me. "How is she?" She whispered to me and I just shrugged not knowing how to respond to her.

"Where's Dr. Lee? Where do we find him?" I ask chahee and she moved us to follow her. She said Dr. Lee's office was just around this first floor and it didn't take long and we stop in front of his office.

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