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It's been four days and Manoban is still not coming back here in my office and It makes my blood boil and nervous at the same time and I hate it.

I hate the fact that she's just the only one who makes me this nervous about her answer! I know I told myself that it's sure that she will agree with my proposal within this week but hell! It frightening me and I don't know why.

I mean it's just pure lust and sex so why the hell I'm nervous and somewhat disappointed in her for not coming back here? Argh! Why do I even care to that Manoban that doesn't want to be helped by me!

Because your help has exchange!

Damn it! Shut the fuck up! Your messing with me! Of course, it has an exchange because I don't even know her and I don't care about her. All I'm going to do is give her money for her sister's tuition and whatsoever and all she needs to do is fuck me.

I'm a cold-hearted person and I already admit that because it's true so a cold-hearted person like me doesn't allow to have emotions! Love is not in my fucking vocabulary so I don't give a fuck in everyone.

"We're here Ms. Kim" Kwangso said and he goes out and run to my side and open the door for me.

I go out still wearing my sour face cause I'm still annoyed by that Manoban. I walk inside of the company and was greeted by my employees but didn't mind them and just go straight to my elevator and press my floor.


The elevator chime and I go out to the elevator and walk straight to my swivel chair and sat there. "Arghhh!" I groan as I place my hand on my face.

I don't really know why I became like this every night or even say I'm daydreaming of Lisa and I fucking each other. I always have a wet dream with her and that's fucking odd cause she has this effect on me.

But as I said it's just pure lust and sex and nothing more and nothing less. I took the telephone and dialed my secretary's landline.

"Good Morning Ms. Kim! What can I do for you?" Jisoo cheerfully said? It's always like that I mean she's always energetic and I like it but sometimes it's annoying cause she's so comfortable to me like we're long-lost friends in the past. 

"Bring me a hot tea" I said before hanging up.

I'm always like that. I don't want to have a long conversation with others except if it's related to work or it's my best friend and my Mom and grandpa.

How about Lisa?

My Inner self said and I instantly curse all the saints for questioning me like that. Of course, I'll have a long conversation with her because she's irritating and doesn't understand what I'm trying to explain. If she just understands it quickly maybe we just had 5 minutes talk before she dashes out.

After a few minutes, Jisoo knocks on the door. "Come in!" I said and she opens the door and she walked towards me and smile at me before putting down the tea.

I'm more into tea than coffee because coffee can affect your skin. That's what they said and I just believe it because my grandpa told me to "Here's your tea Miss Kim! Have a great morning" she said and bowed before going out.

Jisoo has been a great Secretary since the day I hired her and all her works are neat and clean so I don't have a problem with her because she understands my attitude just like nayeon so I'm sure she'll stay here for as long as she wants.

I was about to take a sip of my tea when I heard a knock again that makes me groan. "Argh! Come in!" I shout and Jisoo came in again.

"I'm sorry to disturb you Ms. Kim but Nancy is sick and there's this girl who wants to apply to the Marketing management team" she said and I frown.

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