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It's already 9:30 when Jennie and I decided to go inside. I finished watering the plants while Jennie is just watching me and getting some vitamins from the sunlight. It's healthy Mom said that's why I convinced her to do it every morning for the sake of her and our princess inside her tummy.

We're making it inside of our house when Jennie spoke. "You can go" she said. I look at her and raise my brows because I don't have any clue what she's talking about.


"Jisoo called me and tell me about the 3 days activity camping and I'm giving you permission to go" Once Jennie uttered that I felt I suddenly go to cloud nine.

My eyes sparkle like what we're seeing at the cartoon character in anime. I smile widely and face her before kissing her face all over while I'm imagining what fun activities will happen! Oh my god! I never experienced it ever since I was young that's why I'm very excited to come there!

I really want to go with them but then I thought of Jennie not letting me and her being al- Oh god! Yes I still couldn't leave Jennie because she's going to be alone and I can let that because her due date is next month so what if she gives birth in no time even it's still next month?!

What if she craves for something and I'm not here? Who will take care of her if I'm not around? Hell I can't even imagine if she slipped and there's no one to help her because I'm not here with her and instead I'm there enjoying every activity while she's alone here!

My face drop and spoke. "I think I will not go. I can't let you stay here al-" she stop me from talking using her fingers.

"I will stay with Mom while you're away and I'm letting you come there because I want you to go out and have fun and not just stay with me and be bored" she said which is I disagree with.

"I never got bored being around here and being with you. Ever since then I never see myself getting bored when you're around!" I said and her eyes soften. "And I can't just pass my responsibility to your mom" I said but she shook her head.

"Mom is been asking me to go out with her but I always tell her next time so maybe this is a time where we can go and hang around like mother and daughter while you enjoy yourself self there" She said and I just sigh.

"Are you sure?" I ask her one more time.

"Definitely" she said and smile at me. I hug her tight.

"Thank you but if something happened don't hesitate to call me okay?" I said and I felt her nodded.

"I'll be fine so you don't need to worry while you're there and just enjoy" she said.

"You can't ask me to not worry unless you're with me and I can see you safe so it's hard to not get worried if I'm away" I said and pull out the hug.

"Then try to not worry for me?" She asks and I nodded.

"I'll try! Thank you love" I said and peck her lips for the second time before smiling brightly at her.


The next day came and that's when Jisoo told us that we will meet at the said place and she also told us to bring our own tent and packed the necessary things. Jennie help me yesterday and I can't help but to felt really happy.

She's the one who places all of the clothes in my big backpack while I'm finding out the tent in the garage. I thought Jennie was joking when she told me that's she's permitting me but she prove it by helping me pack my clothes as if she's already kicking me out and telling me to don't go back.

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