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"Fuck Moonbyul! Is she still here?" I said as I cover my face with a newspaper.

"She's starting at our spot!" Moonbyul said as she looks at me.

"Don't you dare look back at her! Hide!" I said and cover her face with a newspaper too.

After a few minutes, I told Byul to look if Kim is still here and she motioned me that she was gone. I sigh in relief and put down the newspaper that I was holding earlier. It's been three days since the incident happened but I can't seem to face her.

I'm scared and full of regrets. I can't face her because I'm so ashamed of what I did that day. I can't bear to see her face because seeing her face always reminds me of the fear that was written on her face that day.

I really regret doing it. I admit I was wrong and the madness really eats my whole soul to the point I burst it out to her. I really am sorry but I don't know why the fuck I can't go to her and apologize! I'm really stupid.

I glance back to their spot and saw the same man. The guy that admits in front of me that Jennie is his girl. I can't help but glare at him even he doesn't see me. If glare can kill his already laying on the floor lifeless.

"I think I already know why you're so furious that day to Jennie Kim" Moonbyul suddenly said and I look at her and frowned.

"What?" I ask.

"You're jealous Manoban" She said and wiggle her eyebrows.

"What?! Of course not! Why would I be jealous? She is not even mine! We're not even together! I don't even..." I stop right there and look at moonbyul...I can't utter the word.

"What? You can't utter it? don't you?'d be lying to yourself if you said you're not attracted to her and if you said you don't like her" She said smirk.

"I-I really d-don't!" I said and curse myself for stammering.

"Yeah if you say so but just to remind you, Lisa. You can't like her and you can't fall for her. Yes, you can feel lust and passion but not love because we all know you'll be end up on the floor if that's happened" Moonbyul said as she sips her Ice coffee.

"Who said I would fall for her? I don't even like her. You're overreacting" I said and roll my eyes.

"I'm just reminding you Lalisa. I don't want you to end up hurt. You said it yourself that Jennie Kim don't enter in a relationship"

"Why are you even telling me this? This is nonsense because what's between us is just pure lust" I said.

"It's been just 2 months Lisa. You never know" She said and I just roll my eyes again because of her silliness.

Why the heck would she think like that? This friend of mine must be dreaming so high that even the impossible stuff she's been reminding me.

"Whatever Moonbyul" I said and stand up to go back to work.

Moonbyul is here in Seoul because she said she resigns from her work to Daegu since I'm not there anymore so she tried to apply as a chef here in the city to a fancy and big restaurant and she got the interview today.

She said the owner will just call her if she's hired. She decided to visit me too because she said she misses me. What a sweet friend right? Anyway, she has an apartment already just near to my building so yeah.

After another hour working here in the shop, my shift already ended and Moonbyul wait for me because she said she wanted to treat me to a diner so we went to a restaurant here in Hongdae and ate.

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