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"So who's this friend of yours?" Nayeon asks.

We make our way inside and see Manoban laying there with a cast on her arms and bandage on her ankle and bruises. "Okay you don't need to answer me" She said as she closed the door. "What happens?" She asks again.

"I thought you don't need my answer?" I ask as I lean on Manoban's bed with my arms crossing.

"You know what I mean" she said.

"Fine" I said. "This Manoban makes me agree to come with he-"

"What?! How come she makes you agree to come with her when your best friend is having a hard time?! If I won't drag you you'll not come with me!" She said.

"I don't know too! I just know she fake her cried and I agree!" I irritated said. Maybe I just can't accept the fact that Manoban can do things to me that anyone can't.

"Fine! Tell me more!" She said.

"So we go to the zoo because she said every year she's going there because her mom and her use to go there every certain date which is today and her friend and sisters are busy to come with her so she drags me. So yeah we were near the exit when I was amazed by this ostrich! We go there and feed them but this fucking ostrich ends up nip my wristwatch causes it to fall inside and they take it in the middle thinking that it was food!" I angrily said. I really hate ostrich from now on!

"So this Manoban volunteer to go inside and get my wristwatch but end up being chased by ostriches and she passed out when she stumbled! That ostrich nearly murder her and this fucking guy just watching her! I mean what if something bad happens to her?!" I said and gritted my teeth.

"I'm really mad at this Manoban too! I mean why did she need to volunteer?! Even I didn't stop her it doesn't mean she could go inside! Is she insane?! Did she want to die so soon?! She could die inside if the ostriches didn't stop for sure all of her bones are broken!" I rant as I look at Nayeon and she just gives me a knowing look.

"What?!" I irritated said.

"Are you worried about her?" Nayeon asks.

I look at Manoban and saw her still sleeping and bit my lower lip. Should I tell Nayeon? She is my friend! So why not? and It's not like I'm hiding a big mystery. I look back at Nayeon and she suddenly drags me outside of the rooms and tells the nurse to tell Manoban to wait for us once she woke up.

Nayeon continuously drags me outside of the hospital! "Nayeon! What are you doing?!" I ask?

"Just come! we need to talk!" She said and she drags me to just nearby coffee shop which is just in front of the first hospital building.

She makes me sit there as if I'm her child telling me to behave. She orders coffee and tea for me before she looks at me with a knowing look again. "Don't look at me like that! it irritates me!" I said.

"Tell me, Jen..." She said and I frown.

"Tell you what?" 

"Tell me about Lisa Manoban" 

"And why would I? I'm not in the mood" I said as I cross my arms and sigh.

"Jen tell me now!" she annoyingly said and I glare at her.

"Why did you even want to talk about her?!" 

"I just want to know who is a friend of my best friend" she said as the barista came and put our order down to our table.

"She's not my friend!" 

"Then what? who is she? your sugar baby?" 

"Why not? she really is" I said and she rolls her eyes.

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