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It's already 7:48 in the evening, and I'm still here inside my freaking office trying to finish the papers that need to be done before the sunlight disappears. I've been working on this since this morning, but it seems endless.

All my employees have already gone home since their work hours are from 7:00 AM to 7:30 PM. The only ones left are probably the security guards on their night shifts. I never leave the company without security during the night.

I pick up the last portfolio that my new secretary brought in, and it turns out to be an agreement with Jongin, and he has already signed it. Tsk, I expected this outcome.

As I've said before, I don't need him, but he needs my company to avoid bankruptcy. I can't help but pity him for being a reckless fool. When his father was in charge, the company thrived, but everything turned chaotic when Jongin took over. I feel sorry for his father, who worked hard only to see the business deteriorate.

I smirk as I read through the agreement, signing it without much hesitation. The folder goes into my drawer, deemed too important for anyone else to lay eyes on—just me, Jongin, and our secretary.

With the last task completed, I decide to call it a day. I stand up, arranging the folders on the side of my desk, but before I can grab my bag, a knock on the door interrupts me.

"Aishh! Come in!" I say, taking a seat again.

To my surprise, my secretary walks in with a smile on her face. It catches me off guard because my previous secretaries would leave as soon as the clock struck 7:30 PM. "You're still here?" I question.

"Of course! I'm heading home when you do because that's the job of a personal assistant—to stick to her boss," she replies.

"Oh! You're different from them," I remark.

"Different?" she asks, seemingly friendly.

"Don't ask. So, what brings you here?" I inquire.

"I just wanted to inform you, Ms. Kim, that the CEO of Yeobong company wants to become one of our investors. He's requesting a meeting with you tomorrow morning," she shares.


"He's from Daegu. If you agree to meet him, we need to go there tonight as he's asking for an early morning meeting. If we wait until tomorrow morning, we might get stuck in traffic," she explains.

"Send an email and approve the meeting," I instruct, already preparing to leave.

"So, we're going tonight, Ms. Kim?" she confirms.

"Yeah, call one of the maids in the mansion, and tell them to pack my things for two days and two nights. Do the same for yourself," I reply.

"Two days and two nights?" she questions.

"Tonight and tomorrow night. Do you think I'll immediately head back here after a long meeting? Don't you want me to take a rest?" I raise an eyebrow.

"Ah, yes! No problem, Ms. Kim!" she says, giving a thumbs up before rushing out of my office. I can't help but shake my head at her childishness.


It's early in the morning, and I find myself walking in the street, holding my portfolio and resume, desperately going in and out of restaurants in search of another job. The events of yesterday still weigh heavily on my mind; I was fired.

Since 7:30 AM, I've been wandering through public places in Daegu, and it's now 11:45 AM. Yet, no restaurant has been willing to hire me or even grant me an interview.

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