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When Lisa said we didn't come to their parent's coffin? She's wrong. We did come but we're watching from afar. We did come but we're in disguise! Now tell me how hard to be us? It's more than you thought it is.

After their parent's burial there it's all started. All of them are so lost. Lisa, Rosé, Ryujin. They're like a human without a soul. They didn't go to school for almost 1 month and just lock their selves in their room and cried all day.

They're not eating base to my one hired butler that working there. They're just going downstairs when they want to drink but they never hold a spoon and eat something. That's when I got worried.

So because I want them to be a strong independent woman and I took it all. I ask Kim Woobin my best friend to be the one who will act like he sabotages the company. He never agreed at first but since I'm his best friend he agreed. He did it all and once we all took all their properties there it all started.

My plan works which them doing a way to live. Moonbyul helps them for a year and lets them live in their house but her mother hates them living there so Lisa did some things and that's the most thing that I can be proud of. She became an independent woman who didn't want to rely on anyone.

That's what I want them to be. I want them to be brave and don't rely on others and they do. Lisa finds a job to provide for her sisters but when years passed she gave up her dream and I was sad about it. I thought she will not give up on those challenges that passed to them but she did.

So as me being a stupid grandfather didn't do anything but even I'm not by their side I hire a bodyguard for them. They have personal bodyguards but they didn't know it because they're not supposed to know about it

I did my best to protect them. When lisa got to fight in her work and I find out how the owner and the other woman treat her I take action. After attending the hearing I get to put the bastard who fights with lisa in jail and let the restaurant go to bankruptcy but I give his wife money after all she helps lisa.

And after knowing that the landlord kicks her out without heart? I kick it to the bankruptcy of course and bought the paint that lisa had been wanting to get back. I still haven't given it to her because I plan to give it to her when we meet and that is today.

I was deep in my thoughts seating on the couch in the living room with my wife when I heard a stern voice "Speak" I look up just to see Lisa looking at us with her cold eyes. I gulp as she sat across from us not breaking the contact in my eyes.

I was about to speak when I heard both loud women shouting. "UNNIE!! HELP! THEY KIDNAP US! OH MY GOD! ARE WE GOING TO DIE?! GOSH WAIT LET ME REMI-" She got cut off.

"Can you calm down chaeng?!" Lisa spoke and that's when the two calm down.

"Why are we even here?! All we know we were having lunch and now we're here?! Those two bastards just drag us!" Ryujin said to their two bodyguards and was about to jump to them when I stand up and spoke.

"I told them to get you both" I said and that's when they look at me with eyes widened but change with madness.

"You?! What do you want?!" Chaeng said as her veins pop up. Lisa came closer to her and said something that stops her from ranging.

"Speak." She said as the three of them seat down across from us.

I took a deep breath and trembly told them all things that needed to be told and carefully explain it to them at first Roseanne really ranging and shouting at me with full of madness! If Ryujin and Lisa are not here for sure she already jumps on me.

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