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We're currently on our way to I don't know where because Kim just tells me to come with her so here I am seating beside her in this beautiful car that was driven by the driver I talk to when I arrive here.

"Where are we really going?" I ask her. She's been leaning to the car window and staring at the surroundings.

She doesn't even utter a word to me since we got inside this damn car. What's up with her? Is she really that kind of person? does she not want to talk to me? I'm kind so why the hell she won't utter a word!

"Just shut up and wait" she said not looking at me and I just shrug and lean to the other side of the window.

After spending an hour in her office she decided to tell me to go with her. Jisoo said Ms. CEO usually goes home super late so I'm confused why she goes out of the company this early. I mean it's just 6:30 Pm.

I see...this Kim beside me is a kinda workaholic. I was back to my senses when the car pulls off in front of the huge building and I don't know why we were here or what's building is this.

"We're here" the driver said and goes out to open the door for Jennie and I open the door for myself cause I had a hand to do it myself.

"Wait for us here kwangso" Jennie said. Oh! So kwangso is his name?! The guy who fetch me from Daegu.

"Yes, Ms. Kim" he said.

"Let's go" Jennie said and I nodded to her before following her inside of the building.

"Good evening  Ms. Kim" the security guard said by Jennie just walk passed at him so I just smiled apologetically at him.

"Aish! You're so rude" I said as I walk beside her.

"You don't care" she said and we walk inside the elevator.

"Yes, I am! You're ignoring them as if they don't exist!" I said and she finally looks at me with her narrowing eyes. "Fine!" I said because I don't want her to get furious at me again.


The elevator arrives on the 16th floor and it swung open. Once we go out that's when I realize we're in a so luxurious apartment building but I'm curious why. She walks passed to me so I need to fasten my step to catch her.

Aisssh! She had short legs but she walks as if she had long legs like me!  She stops in front of the one-room and takes out the key in her bag before unlocking it. She opens it widely and my mouth went agape once it reveals a super luxurious and beautiful room!

"Get in Manoban" Jennie said and I nodded before closing the door behind.

I follow her in the middle of this room and we just stand there. This room is bigger than my apartment in Daegu and more than fancy cause my apartment there is crap but I don't mind it cause I live there for years.

My eyes wander inside the room and it has a second floor and a neat kitchen and living room. I walk around and saw a two-door refrigerator and complete appliances. The whole room has two colors and it's black and white and most of the appliances are black and white too.

It has a bar counter too! "This is your apartment" she said which make me back to reality.

My eyes widened and I instantly shook my head. Disagreeing with what she just said. "No definitely not" I said.

"Yes it is" she said and throw her bag on the couch "This is my old apartment when I was in college and I keep this so if you don't want this I can get a new one for you" she said.

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