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"Guten Morgen Lisa!" Mr. Müller greets me as I step out of my apartment. I smiled back at him and wave my hands.

"Guten Morgen much Mr. Müller!" I said and he smiles and he goes back watering his plant.

Mr. Müller is my neighborhood and has been living alone since I moved here. He's a very nice person to me and always invites me for dinner or whatsoever. He's the one I usually talk about how my days go in at the school.

I continue walking with my hand in my hoodie pocket because it's really cold these days. It's Saturday Morning and's mid-June and it's winter here in Switzerland what do I expect? I happily walk to the side road. It's still 9 in the morning and I decided to have a cup of coffee in my favorite café just down the street.

I usually walk around every morning if I don't have anything to do. I mean if I don't have to go to University. Anyway speaking of University. It's been 2 years and just last week I already finish my two years left and got a bachelor's degree in culinary arts.

Completing a Bachelor's Degree in Culinary Arts is rewarding. Although the entire Culinary Arts Program can take up to four years but as I said I already finish my two years before and I just continue the last two years here. The skills and techniques that you will develop are worth the while. Completing a Bachelor's Degree in Culinary Arts has a lot of benefits.

It really feels so good to be able to reach my dreams and this is my dream. To be a professional chef in my own restaurant and I will achieve that very soon! Anyway I just graduated just last week and my grandparents can't be able to make it here so Marco my grandfather's cousin is the one who is with me.

Marco is been good to me since I step here into this country. Every weekend he will visit me here with his son which is I became close with. Tyler is his son and we become friends and we hang out often if we're both free. He's a Doctor and it's amazing.

Anyway as I said Marco really welcome me here since the very first. He helps me to find a place here which where I stay right now. At first he offers me to just stay at his house but Nah. I won't be a burden to their family. Her wife is been nice to me too. I actually felt like I have mother and father here in Switzerland Lol.

And according to my sisters? Well they're really calling me every day! As in every day ever since I flew here but I never mind though I miss them and just last week they send their congratulations to me along with Jisoo and others.

All they said is they're proud of me which is I really appreciate and I'm proud of them too. After a year Ryujin steps into the business industry and she's been great at handling it base on what grandpa and grandma told me.

Yeah we become close because they always call me and ask me how're my days end something like that and chaeng is still studying! We all know that to be a Lawyer you really need to study so many things so yeah she's still there and she's already complaining but she can't do anything because she's already there.

My smile didn't leave my face as I enter in the café causing it to chime telling them that a customer arrives. I walk towards the counter and order my favorite coffee. "Espresso mit Zimt bitter" I said in German and she nodded before proceeding to make my coffee and cinnamon.

Yeah german because the German language is spoken in the eastern and central parts of Switzerland. The majority (about 60%) of the population speak Swiss-German, otherwise known as Schwiizertütsch which is a combination of various dialects that were once spoken in Austria and Germany.

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