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After I drag Nayeon outside of the Hospital we part our ways because she said she still needs to meet up with someone but she didn't tell me who is that someone.

I'm already here in Infront of the Mansion of my grandfather and just waiting for the butler to open the gate so that I could go inside. After a short minute, the gate swung open and I drive my car in front of the house and give the key to the butler.

He's going to park it anyway. I walk inside the house just to be greeted by the maid but as usual, I just passed to them. I was about to walk to our long staircase when I heard my grandfather call me.

"My granddaughter!" He said.

I look behind me and saw him already walking towards me with a wide smile planted on his face. "Grandfather" I said as I hug him.

"Where did you go last night? Why you didn't go home?" He said and raise his eyebrow.

"I have so many things to do in the company and since my penthouse is nearer than here I choose to go to mine since I'm already tired from work last night" I said and he nodded in understanding.

"I was worried sick to you last night and wait for you to come home"

"Grandfather I didn't tell you to wait for me almost every day" I said and nearly roll my eyes but I remember this is my grandfather.

"I know but I just want to make sure you'd be home safely"

"Thank you for your concern Grandpa but we know that I don't need that. I'm already old to take care of myself so there is no need to worry"

"Fine...but please eat with me tonight. It's been a long time since you eat with me for breakfast, lunch, dinner. I just miss my granddaughter" he said.

"I'm a tired grandfather. Maybe next time" I said and he nodded before hugging me again.

I turn my back to him and started to walk upstairs. I'm not really tired I just don't have an appetite to eat dinner. I open my room and go inside. I walk towards my couch and place my bag there.

I go directly to the bathroom and decided to take a hot bathtub since I want to relax. My head is been aching since earlier because of nonsense reasons!

After minutes of waiting for the tub to be full of warm water. I strip my clothes and climb inside the warn tub "Ahhhhh..." I moan as I felt the warm water through my whole body.

My head is resting to the edge of the bathtub and I ponytail my hair cause I don't want annoying strands of hair going right in front of my face when I'm doing this.

I'm always having a hot bath when I'm stressed at work because this really helps me a lot to relax my mind but today it's not because of work. It's because of a certain person who kept bugging my mind for the last two months.

I hate the fact that she already knows me not that really knows but she heard me laugh. She saw me so weak and crying and she saw me enjoying something and mostly she can annoy me and she's not scared of me!

I hate it when there's this outsider person that is not scared of me! She's sawed me as if I'm nothing to her! She's not trembling when I shout to her and mostly she's just annoying me more if I got mad.

That's the thing I notice about her! When I scold her she will just annoy me even more and that's why I never waste my time scolding her because I know she'll just make fun of me!

I don't fucking know what's wrong with that Manoban and what she sees on me to be her target about annoying for almost every day! Even in messages and calls, she'll annoy me! She's finding a way for me to get mad!

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