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2 months passed and my relationship with Ms. CEO is just like before but something changed and that is my attitude towards her. Whenever she's getting frustrated with me or getting annoyed by me I never fire back at her instead I'm making fun of her.

I always tease her or something that would always make her annoyed and that was the most I like! I like it when she's mad because she's cute when she's bursting out to me or whenever she's glaring at me or whatsoever.

I'm not scared of her when I know she's just doing it for me to stop but there was really a time I push her limit and she really became another person and that was the first time she burst out like that I nearly peed in my pants.

I'm thankful that kind of event never happens again even I nearly push her nearly at the cliff of the stairs here in her company because one time her elevator was broken and the regular elevator was always packed by her employees and she doesn't want to ride that with them.

So Instead of going inside the regular elevator I go with her and used the stairs and we nearly collapse because that was a long stair! Imagine her office is from the top then she would use stairs?!

Anyway, she doesn't let me use her private elevator too because she said she never let anyone so there's no way she will let me to. I am already used to Ms. CEO's attitudes so even she's being rude or arrogant I won't mind it.

But sometimes I'm always telling her to try to smile and be polite to her employees but she just said. 'You can't tell me what to do Manoban'  yes she never called me by my first name and she just calls me by my last name.

I ask her why she kept calling me by my last name and she said my name is too ugly and that's hurt me because my mother and father gave me that name and she would just call it ugly?! But anyway I never let her notice the cause of what she said.

Our rules completely stay and we never break any of them and we're both grateful for that and according to our deal...well she's sometimes going in my apartment which is really hers.

If not there here in her office and just two places I want to ask her if where she is living or does she have her own house but I forgot that we can't ask for personal details of our lives and we can't interfere with our private life so yeah I choose to shut my mouth.

Anyway, she makes another rule she said after sex we don't need to stay or sleep on one bed or one place because we're nothing but strangers. I felt a sting in my heart that time because I thought she sees me at least as a friend.

That time it's already late and I told her to just stay for the night but she disagrees sayings she doesn't want to stay with me for the night so yeah that's when she made that rule.

Well, I can't do anything because these 2 months that I got to spend my time with her I found out some things about her personality and one of them is when she said it there's no turning back. I find out too that she never had a long conversation with others.

So I should be thankful because she's still talking to me even she's so cold and so rude but I know this Kim is hiding a warm heart inside. I can feel it but she's just hiding it.

I wonder what's make her become like this cold woman. I'm curious but as I said I can't ask because in the first place I'm the one who offers that rules thing so I need to keep my mouth shut before she kicks my balls.

According to my work...I already got one and I'm thankful because what I said to ryujin the last time is the one Job I got! I'm working as a barista in this one famous coffee shop here in Hongdae.

The owner talks to me too that I can bake cookies or cake if I can so I do it every day while there are no customers and sell it here too. I'm thankful I bought a book about baking too so I really know how to bake.

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