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"WAZZUP! WAZZUP! PARTY PEOPLE!" I Instantly groan when I heard that loud voice from afar that is coming behind the front door. It's really far from our living room but this stupid is just really loud to the point even she's in our garage you will still hear Jisoo's nosey mouth.

I didn't stand up from my seat anymore because I know they can able to go inside our house without me doing anything. They're retired as a thief if you're curious why they can go here inside without any keys from us.

"Yah! You don't even move from your spot and open the door for us!" Seulgi exclaims as she throws the pillow to my face! This shameless woman!.

I howl as my eyes didn't leave the television and my fingers are still moving to the controller. "Why are you even complaining?! You're already inside of our house!" I said and glance at her and glared.

"That's not how it's supposed to be! You should welcome us like how the owners of the house do when they have visitors!" Jisoo complains.

I didn't mind them anymore because they're just getting on my nerves. I was so focused on the game because in a moment it will come to an end and I will make sure I'll win this round! I've been practicing this new game so I could challenge Jisoo and seulgi to play this with me.

If that happens I will finally have my first victory against them! My characters run faster as I aggressively punch the controller. I punch the X that will make my character shot the fucking enemy. My character is jumping like crazy up and down so my opponent would have a hard time to shot me.

If you're curious I playing Call Of Duty and it's really making me mad when I'm losing so there's no way I would lose again. I enter a certain tall building and position myself on the window and tap the snipe and focus on the spot I think my foe will come out. I wait for my opponent to come out.

Actually two of us is the only one who is still alive in this game. Always shoot a little higher than the head while using the sniper to ensure your bullets land at the right place. #4 Be patient and calm- Many sniper rifle users make the mistake of shooting too I remember that phrase.

I search it from google! See?! That's how serious I am to learn and to be a pro in this game. I bite my tongue and smirk evilly when my stupid foe goes out from his base. I was about to hit the RT button to aim at the sniper....when someone stupid suddenly grabs my both arm and lift me.

"YAHHH!!!!" I shout loudly as they lift me and walk me towards the door. Moonbyul holding my left arm while Seulgi is in the right arm. "PUT ME DOWN!!!!" I madly shout as I think I was about to cry.

Fuck it! Fuck them! Fuck these stupid! I curse multiple times as they continue to walk us to the door. Damn it! It's about to happen! My first victory to a fucking COD game was about to happen! I was about to win for the first time since I played it 2 weeks ago!

But this stupid ruin that! I will fucking kill them! I wiggle my body as I gritted my teeth in frustration. "PUT ME DOWN! I SWEAR I'LL FUCKING KILL YOU ALL!" I yell. Fuck I want to cry! I really want to cry!

"Shut up! You should welcome your visitor politely and this is how it's supposed to be!" Jisoo said and ordered the two to put me down. "Stay there!" She said and pointed at me and me being part of the bizarre community I just stay and stand in front of the door.

Jisoo sends another glare before the three of them go out of the house and close the door. I thought they will go away and just leave me alone for peace but I was wrong because I heard three knocks behind our huge double door. "OPEN THE DOOR AND WELCOME US WITH ALL YOUR HEART!" Jisoo yelled behind and I just groan at our stupidity. Actually their stupidity.

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