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Once the tall girl goes out of the room I assist Jennie to sat down on her couch inside the office. She's still sobbing and troubling so hard that it really makes me worry so much.

I successfully make her sit down and I ran towards the dispenser and get a glass of water before returning to her. "Drink this Jen" I said as I rub her back to make her calm down.

She shakily reaches the glass of water and drink all and cried again "Shhh...he's not her and he's not's not going to happen again" I comfort her because I know the traumatic event is flashing through her mind and I need her to calm down.

"I'm scared..." She said and I hug her as I said those comforting lines to her.

It takes minutes before she calms down and pulls back the hug..."I want to go home" She suddenly said and I nodded before I stand up.

"I'll send you there" I said.

"I don't want to go to my grandpa's house like this...I want to go to my home" She said and once she said it I already understand what home is she referring to.

"I understand and I'll drop you off there" I said and she nodded before getting her bag and wearing her glasses. We make our way outside and take the normal elevator cause she's with me.

Jennie doesn't want others to see her like see her breaking down because she wanted people to see her as a tough woman even she has a very depressing past. Even to her family she never cried after so many happened to her.

This is my first time to see Jennie so scared again and crying after that event and I'm so worried for her that I can't leave her alone but knowing this stubborn girl. She wouldn't allow me to stay with her cause I know she wants to be alone.


The elevator door swung open in the basement and I held her arm. I know even she doesn't tell me I know she felt weak and she doesn't want to admit it. We all know who's Jennie Kim and she doesn't want our pity.

We walk towards my car and I open the passenger door for her and let her seat down. I go to my sit and started to drive towards Perthlochry Residents where Jennie's hidden penthouse is.

The residents there are too pretty rich women and man's so there are not really many people there that place is so peaceful because most of the owners are just like Jennie who barely come home there.

I drive for almost 30 minutes but that really never bothers me. I enter the residences of the village and the guard greets us as he opens the gate of the townlet for us. The security here is every corner.

I drive to Jennie's house and stop in front of the gate and press my horn. Jennie only has one person to take care of this and it's Mrs. Ahn. A very caring middle-aged woman who is taking care of Jennie every time she's here.

The gate swung open and I enter the very cozy house. I stop the car and go outside and open Jennie's door. "Nayeon you don't need to treat me as if I don't have feet" Jennie said.

"I'm just worried about my best friend so don't be stubborn and let me help you inside" I said and roll my eyes.

She goes out. "Good to see again Ms. Kim" Mrs. Ahn said and smile and Jennie nodded and we go towards her room.

Once we enter there I spoke. "Might tell me about the girl?" I ask her.

"It's her" she said as she sat on the bed.

"The girl you said you have a deal with?! What's wrong with her?! I can kill her Jen! That girl forced you and we all know y-" I got cut off.

"Don't you ever mention what happened in the past and don't you dare touch her just leave it" She said as if she didn't tremble or got a panic attack earlier.

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