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It's Wednesday morning and it's my 4th day here in the city, I'm still secretly finding a job that will provide us. I'm always going out every morning and searching online every night but luck is just not with me.

I'm planning to go out this morning again and tried to find work again I just hope this day will be my lucky day cause I'm fucking tired of walking. Yes I walk because if I ride a bus my money will not last long until I find a job.

I did the grocery for us yesterday and it causes 160 dollars so my 600 dollars that I only have run to 440 dollars so I really need to get a job so soon because if not we will not eat for days.

I'm here now in the kitchen drinking coffee before I go out again. I already take a bath and already fully clothes. Ryujin already goes to her university and Cheng goes out because she said she needs to go with her friend to do her thesis.

It's her vacant day today so she said she will spend it doing her school works and tomorrow will be ryujin's vacant. Anyway I already finish my coffee and I'm here now wearing my old boots and making my way out of the apartment.

I lock the door before going to the elevator and press the ground floor. It's always like this every morning. I wait for them to go out before I'm going out to find a job but of course they always caught me going home late and ask me where did I go and whatsoever.

I just tell them I walk around because I want to go to every corner of the city. After all, this is the only time I got to stay here for a long time but little did they know I already kick out of my apartment in Daegu and got fired by my old cramps boss.


The elevator rang and I go out and go directly to the exit. I walk to the sidewalk with my eyes roaming. Today I plan to go to Hongdae and find a job there cause I haven't go there yet so yeah!

For today I decided to ride a bus because Hongdae is a little bit far from here and I think I will just pay for $1.17 or 1300 won in Korea. It's just a little amount of money but it causes me a lot because I'm balancing my cash.

I'm still thankful I gave my two sisters their allowance last month so I don't need to give them money for two months so that helps me a lot. I walk towards the bus stop and sat there.

I plug my earphones and play music while I wait for the bus. I saw the bus coming so I stand up along with others and once it stops I let them go inside first and that was my biggest regret cause I need to stand but it's fine. I don't mind.

I plug my card so I could pay and once it rings I get my card and put it in my picket. I ride the bus for about 13 minutes and it stops at the bus stop and I go out along with some of the passengers.

I walk around the Hongdae and already spotted a small restaurant. Actually these past few days I decided to accept whatever work it is but as I said lack is still not here with me. They didn't hire me because they're not hiring anymore.

The certificate is not certainly needed when you apply as a barista so I choose to find work as a barista and go to every coffee shop here in the city.

I go inside the coffee shop causing the door to rang telling the workers that a customer arrives even I'm an applicant. I walk towards the counter. "It's this shop is hiring another worker?" I ask the girl at the counter and she smiles.

I started to believe that people here in the city are greater than in Daegu. "I'm sorry Miss but I really don't know" She said and look at me apologetically.

"Oh it's fine! Is the owner is here?" I ask and she nodded.

"Wait let me call her" she said and walk away.

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